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Minorities and Indigenous Women

Indigenous women and other minorities suffer from a lack of political representation, economic marginalization and poverty, lack of access to social services and discrimination. This section highlights news, resources and stories on minorities and indigenous women's struggle for political inclusion.

World News

Linda Burney, First Female Indigenous Lower House MP in Australia

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Linda Burney, First Female Indigenous Lower House MP in Australia


The first Aboriginal woman elected to Australia's lower house of parliament has promised to bring the "fighting spirit of her clan" to political life.

In her maiden speech, Linda Burney wore a traditional kangaroo-skin cloak with her personal totem, the white cockatoo, known as the noisy messenger bird.

The first Aboriginal woman elected to Australia's lower house of parliament has promised to bring the "fighting spirit of her clan" to political life.

In her maiden speech, Linda Burney wore a traditional kangaroo-skin cloak with her personal totem, the white cockatoo, known as the noisy messenger bird.

World News

Linda Burney becomes the first female Indigenous MP in Australia's history

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Linda Burney becomes the first female Indigenous MP in Australia's history


Former New South Wales deputy Labor leader Linda Burney has claimed victory in the southern Sydney seat of Barton.

Former New South Wales deputy Labor leader Linda Burney has claimed victory in the southern Sydney seat of Barton.


"Scandal in Real Time" - a national conference on Black women, politics, oral history


"Scandal in Real Time" - a national conference on Black women, politics, oral history

Like other blockbuster media moments, Shonda Rhimes' television s

World News

COP21: The implementation of the Paris Agreement must not forget women, warns Ségolène Royal

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COP21: The implementation of the Paris Agreement must not forget women, warns Ségolène Royal


The policies on limiting and adapting to global warming will be more efficient if taking into account the equality of women and men.

The policies on limiting and adapting to global warming will be more efficient if taking into account the equality of women and men.

World News

Protests spread all over the world to condemn the murder of Berta Cáceres

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Protests spread all over the world to condemn the murder of Berta Cáceres


After the dreadful murder of Honduran human rights activist and environmental defender, Berta Cáceres, many women organizations have organized protests and acts of repudiation of this crime.

After the dreadful murder of Honduran human rights activist and environmental defender, Berta Cáceres, many women organizations have organized protests and acts of repudiation of this crime.