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Parliaments and Representatives

Democracy and the equal participation of men and women in the political arena are closely intertwined. No parliament or any decision-making body can claim to be representative without the participation of both men and women. As stated in the Universal Declaration on Democracy adopted by the Inter-Parliamentary Union’s Member Parliaments in 1997, "The achievement of democracy presupposes a genuine partnership between men and women in the conduct of the affairs of society in which they work in equality and complementarity, drawing mutual enrichment from their differences."

Recent years have seen a steady increase in the number of women in parliament, though the world average of less than 22 percent remains far from the goal of parity between women and men. The election of women to the highest positions of state and government in several countries has also contributed to the changing face of politics.

While the road to election is a difficult one, the challenges for women do not stop there. Once women enter parliament or other bodies, they are faced with many new challenges. Parliament is traditionally a male-oriented domain where the rules and practices have been written by men. It is, therefore, an ongoing challenge to transform parliament into a gender-sensitive environment, to ensure that actions are gender-sensitive and to guarantee that gender is mainstreamed throughout the legislature.

Are women in Quebec politics no more than 'potted plants'?

October 14, 2024

Are women in Quebec politics no more than 'potted plants'?

Women are leaving Quebec politics not because of sexism or double standards or a lack of work-family balance, but because they feel underused in the process of government, according to a survey of 21 women who served in public life.

Women are leaving Quebec politics not because of sexism or double standards or a lack of work-family balance, but because they feel underused in the process of government, according to a survey of 21 women who served in public life.

World News

Recap: Empowering Voices: From Gender Mainstreaming to Youth Inclusion in Parliaments - 10 October 2024

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Recap: Empowering Voices: From Gender Mainstreaming to Youth Inclusion in Parliaments - 10 October 2024


The event featured insightful discussions on gender equality and the importance of diverse representation in parliaments. 

The event featured insightful discussions on gender equality and the importance of diverse representation in parliaments. 

Women quit politics over feeling like office plants': study

October 11, 2024

Women quit politics over feeling like office plants': study

Women are voluntarily leaving politics not because of sexism, double standards or work-life balance, but because they feel under-utilised, according to a new study.

Women are voluntarily leaving politics not because of sexism, double standards or work-life balance, but because they feel under-utilised, according to a new study.

World News

World News

INTER PARES launches new gender equality handbook for parliaments

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INTER PARES launches new gender equality handbook for parliaments


A groundbreaking handbook titled Beyond Numbers: Stories of Gender Equality in and through Parliaments was released on 10 October 2024, focusing on the vital role of gender representation in legislative bodies worldwide.

A groundbreaking handbook titled Beyond Numbers: Stories of Gender Equality in and through Parliaments was released on 10 October 2024, focusing on the vital role of gender representation in legislative bodies worldwide.

Why Women Don’t Vote For Female Politicians – Research

October 9, 2024

Why Women Don’t Vote For Female Politicians – Research

A research study by Voice of Women Radio has shown why women don’t vote for female political aspirants in Nigeria.

A research study by Voice of Women Radio has shown why women don’t vote for female political aspirants in Nigeria.

World News

Female politicians get twice as many sexist comments on social media

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Female politicians get twice as many sexist comments on social media


Women in politics receive twice as many sexist comments on social media as their male colleagues, writes Het Laatste Nieuws on Tuesday. This also applies to local councillors and politicians with an immigrant background.

Research by the Institute for Gender Equality, ULB and UGent, which analysed 44,000 reactions to politicians' posts on Facebook, Instagram and X, shows that every four out of 10 comments are negative.

Women in politics receive twice as many sexist comments on social media as their male colleagues, writes Het Laatste Nieuws on Tuesday. This also applies to local councillors and politicians with an immigrant background.

Research by the Institute for Gender Equality, ULB and UGent, which analysed 44,000 reactions to politicians' posts on Facebook, Instagram and X, shows that every four out of 10 comments are negative.

‘You look like a porn star’ – the abuse women face in politics as parties seek to hit gender quota

October 5, 2024

‘You look like a porn star’ – the abuse women face in politics as parties seek to hit gender quota

A record number of women are expected to run in the next general election but insults and misogyny make the job of parties more difficult to encourage women to enter politics.

A record number of women are expected to run in the next general election but insults and misogyny make the job of parties more difficult to encourage women to enter politics.

Política Exterior Feminista: Una mirada a 5 países de América Latina

October 3, 2024

Política Exterior Feminista: Una mirada a 5 países de América Latina

La Articulación Regional Feminista por los Derechos Humanos y la Justicia de Género (ARF) es una alianza de instituciones feministas latinoamericanas que surge como una sociedad de trabajo entre organizaciones que promueven y defienden los derechos hu

La Articulación Regional Feminista por los Derechos Humanos y la Justicia de Género (ARF) es una alianza de instituciones feministas latinoamericanas que surge como una sociedad de trabajo entre organizaciones que promueven y defienden los derechos hu