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The Political Participation of Youth

"I call on the members of the largest youth generation in history to face the challenges and consider what you can do to solve it. To control your destiny and translate your dreams into a better future for all." Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

World News

The initiative + Women Best Democracy presents a proposal to increase the political participation of women

Submitted by admin2 on

The initiative + Women Best Democracy presents a proposal to increase the political participation of women


In Paraguay, the Ministry of Women, along with the Superior Electoral Court, UN Women and UNDP have developed the project + MujeresMejorDemocracia.

In Paraguay, the Ministry of Women, along with the Superior Electoral Court, UN Women and UNDP have developed the project + MujeresMejorDemocracia.

Webinar Youth for Democracy and Social Action

March 6, 2015

Webinar Youth for Democracy and Social Action

Traditional political institutions have undertaken efforts to become more accessible for young people and women yet it seems these efforts were not enough to break the hierarchical structure of these institutions.

Traditional political institutions have undertaken efforts to become more accessible for young people and women yet it seems these efforts were not enough to break the hierarchical structure of these institutions.

World News

The impact of Beijing: Gender equality as a political issue

Submitted by iKNOW Politics on

The impact of Beijing: Gender equality as a political issue


Edelfride Barbosa Almeida is an economist and founding member of one of the first NGOs in Cabo Verde to promote gender equality, Morabi. She participated in the parallel forum of the Fourth World Conference on Women, held specifically for NGOs, in Huairou, China and is the current President of the Cabo Verdian Association for Family Protection, VerdeFam.

Edelfride Barbosa Almeida is an economist and founding member of one of the first NGOs in Cabo Verde to promote gender equality, Morabi. She participated in the parallel forum of the Fourth World Conference on Women, held specifically for NGOs, in Huairou, China and is the current President of the Cabo Verdian Association for Family Protection, VerdeFam.

Webinar on the participation of young women in parliament

October 9, 2014

Webinar on the participation of young women in parliament

Join us on October 14th 2014 for a webinar with the youngest women parliamentarians in the US and Tonga.

Join us on October 14th 2014 for a webinar with the youngest women parliamentarians in the US and Tonga.


Voting Can Make a Difference for the Women of KPK, Pakistan

September 15, 2014

Voting Can Make a Difference for the Women of KPK, Pakistan

Pakistan is known for its well-known female politicians. These female politicians often make headline news in both Pakistani and global media. In the recent election, many women ran for politics and even landed seats in the provincial and federal assemblies.

Pakistan is known for its well-known female politicians. These female politicians often make headline news in both Pakistani and global media. In the recent election, many women ran for politics and even landed seats in the provincial and federal assemblies.

Enhancing youth political participation throughout the electoral cycle

April 28, 2014

Enhancing youth political participation throughout the electoral cycle

The inclusion of youth in formal politics is important, as the 2011/2012 arab States popular uprisings and various occupy movements have demonstrated.
The inclusion of youth in formal politics is important, as the 2011/2012 arab States popular uprisings and various occupy movements have demonstrated.