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The Political Participation of Youth

"I call on the members of the largest youth generation in history to face the challenges and consider what you can do to solve it. To control your destiny and translate your dreams into a better future for all." Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

World News

India: election dynamics altered as women voters took centre-stage across 5 states

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India: election dynamics altered as women voters took centre-stage across 5 states


In what is arguably a significant step forward for women in politics, 2023 saw two important events: the passing of the Women's Reservation Bill, and an increase in women’s participation in the Assembly elections in various states. Not only are more women showing up to vote, but they're also playing a big role in deciding which political parties get support.

What numbers tell us

In what is arguably a significant step forward for women in politics, 2023 saw two important events: the passing of the Women's Reservation Bill, and an increase in women’s participation in the Assembly elections in various states. Not only are more women showing up to vote, but they're also playing a big role in deciding which political parties get support.

What numbers tell us

World News

Taiwan: The Democratic Progressive Party promotes 18 female candidates

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Taiwan: The Democratic Progressive Party promotes 18 female candidates


The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) yesterday presented its slate of 18 female legislator-at-large nominees and outlined its policies on gender equality.

The DPP has marked several milestones when it comes to women’s participation in Taiwanese politics, DPP Department of Gender Equality division director Lee Yen-jong (李晏榕) told a news conference at party headquarters in Taipei.

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) yesterday presented its slate of 18 female legislator-at-large nominees and outlined its policies on gender equality.

The DPP has marked several milestones when it comes to women’s participation in Taiwanese politics, DPP Department of Gender Equality division director Lee Yen-jong (李晏榕) told a news conference at party headquarters in Taipei.


World News

Surging sexual violence in Sudan’s war spurs call for accountability

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Surging sexual violence in Sudan’s war spurs call for accountability


(NAIROBI) – Amidst Sudan’s ongoing conflict, the Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA) has raised alarm over a surge in sexual violence cases targeting women and girls.

In a bid to amplify the plight of Sudanese civilians and address the war’s impact on women and their communities, SIHA is hosting a pan-African Feminist Peace Conference on November 22-23 in Nairobi.

(NAIROBI) – Amidst Sudan’s ongoing conflict, the Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA) has raised alarm over a surge in sexual violence cases targeting women and girls.

In a bid to amplify the plight of Sudanese civilians and address the war’s impact on women and their communities, SIHA is hosting a pan-African Feminist Peace Conference on November 22-23 in Nairobi.

World News

Stop onslaught on young women leaders

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Stop onslaught on young women leaders


Kenya has tried to bridge the gender divide in appointive and elective positions through legislation such as the two-thirds gender bill now failed several times. But there’s a new pandemic for young women in power, designated to scare them from rising, voicing their opinion and leading as per their constitutional mandate: Patriarchy.

However, patriarchy is not new and plagues even the mature democracies. Today, a woman would be sitting at the apex of power of a superpower but for patriarchy.

Kenya has tried to bridge the gender divide in appointive and elective positions through legislation such as the two-thirds gender bill now failed several times. But there’s a new pandemic for young women in power, designated to scare them from rising, voicing their opinion and leading as per their constitutional mandate: Patriarchy.

However, patriarchy is not new and plagues even the mature democracies. Today, a woman would be sitting at the apex of power of a superpower but for patriarchy.

World News

Women’s activism in Iran continues, despite street protests dying down in face of state repression

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Women’s activism in Iran continues, despite street protests dying down in face of state repression


Large-scale protests that erupted in 2022 across Iran, centering on women’s rights, captured the world’s attention.

Large-scale protests that erupted in 2022 across Iran, centering on women’s rights, captured the world’s attention.

World News

Nigeria: NILDS seeks more women representation in parliament

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Nigeria: NILDS seeks more women representation in parliament


The Director General of the Nigeria Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies (NILDS), Prof. Abubakar Sulaiman, has urged Nigerian political, traditional and religious leaders to emulate Somalia by electing more women to the National Assembly.

The Director General of the Nigeria Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies (NILDS), Prof. Abubakar Sulaiman, has urged Nigerian political, traditional and religious leaders to emulate Somalia by electing more women to the National Assembly.

World News

Women aren’t running for office like they used to. The reason makes perfect sense

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Women aren’t running for office like they used to. The reason makes perfect sense


There is a pervasive narrative “that women are running for office in record numbers,” says Erin Loos Cutraro. “People hold onto that. They think it’s still true today.”

Except it’s not.

There is a pervasive narrative “that women are running for office in record numbers,” says Erin Loos Cutraro. “People hold onto that. They think it’s still true today.”

Except it’s not.

World News

Making investment in violence prevention a priority

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Making investment in violence prevention a priority


If current trends continue, more than 340 million women and girls— 8 per cent of the world’s female population—will live in extreme poverty by 2030.

The gender gap in power and leadership roles also persists, and if progress continues at the current pace, it will take another 286 years to reach gender equality in public life.

If current trends continue, more than 340 million women and girls— 8 per cent of the world’s female population—will live in extreme poverty by 2030.

The gender gap in power and leadership roles also persists, and if progress continues at the current pace, it will take another 286 years to reach gender equality in public life.