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Political Parties

In a representative democracy, political parties function as a link between state institutions and local grassroots organizations. It is political parties that aggregate interests, present political alternatives and nominate candidates. As such, political parties play an essential role for the advancement of women and the promotion of equality. In this section, you will find information on the role of political parties in promoting women's political participation.

World News

France: An observatory of sexist and sexual violence in politics

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France: An observatory of sexist and sexual violence in politics


The presidential campaign in sight. To fight against physical and psychological violence against women, the feminists behind the #MeTooPolitique movement announced on Monday February 21 the launch of an observatory on gender-based and sexual violence.

While proven or alleged acts of sexual violence have multiplied in recent years on the French political scene, nearly 300 women from this milieu had published a column in Le Monde in mid-November to denounce the status of women in this sphere with the hashtag #MeTooPolitique.

The presidential campaign in sight. To fight against physical and psychological violence against women, the feminists behind the #MeTooPolitique movement announced on Monday February 21 the launch of an observatory on gender-based and sexual violence.

While proven or alleged acts of sexual violence have multiplied in recent years on the French political scene, nearly 300 women from this milieu had published a column in Le Monde in mid-November to denounce the status of women in this sphere with the hashtag #MeTooPolitique.

World News

Scotland launches women’s audit to look at barriers to entering Holyrood

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Scotland launches women’s audit to look at barriers to entering Holyrood


Exclusive: presiding officer Alison Johnstone says it will be disappointing if parliament cannot attract more female politicians.

It will be “really disappointing” if the Scottish parliament cannot attract more female politicians within the next five years, says Holyrood’s presiding officer, as she launches Holyrood’s first women’s audit to investigate barriers to representation and participation.

Exclusive: presiding officer Alison Johnstone says it will be disappointing if parliament cannot attract more female politicians.

It will be “really disappointing” if the Scottish parliament cannot attract more female politicians within the next five years, says Holyrood’s presiding officer, as she launches Holyrood’s first women’s audit to investigate barriers to representation and participation.

USA: Are minority and women candidates penalized by party politics? Race, gender, and access to party support

February 15, 2022

USA: Are minority and women candidates penalized by party politics? Race, gender, and access to party support

Racial/ethnic minorities and women continue to be underrepresented in public office in the United States.

Racial/ethnic minorities and women continue to be underrepresented in public office in the United States.

USA: The contingent effects of sexism in primary elections

February 14, 2022

USA: The contingent effects of sexism in primary elections

Although the landscape for female candidates in U.S. politics has improved, research continues to find that many voters possess sexist attitudes.

Although the landscape for female candidates in U.S. politics has improved, research continues to find that many voters possess sexist attitudes.

Interview: Zec should ensure political parties are gender sensitive

February 7, 2022

Interview: Zec should ensure political parties are gender sensitive

The country is preparing to hold by-elections on March 26, and the list of candidates shows that there are fewer female candidates than males. Women are said to face several hurdles such as lack of finances to support their electoral campaigns and violence.

The country is preparing to hold by-elections on March 26, and the list of candidates shows that there are fewer female candidates than males. Women are said to face several hurdles such as lack of finances to support their electoral campaigns and violence.

The invisible danger of the 'glass cliff’

February 7, 2022

The invisible danger of the 'glass cliff’

In times of crisis, people are more likely to appoint women and people of colour to be leaders. But this puts crisis leaders in a very precarious position.

In times of crisis, people are more likely to appoint women and people of colour to be leaders. But this puts crisis leaders in a very precarious position.

Women’s representation in local government: A global analysis

February 4, 2022

Women’s representation in local government: A global analysis

This working paper presents data and analysis on women’s representation in local government by UN Women as the sole custodian agency for 

This working paper presents data and analysis on women’s representation in local government by UN Women as the sole custodian agency for