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Political Parties

In a representative democracy, political parties function as a link between state institutions and local grassroots organizations. It is political parties that aggregate interests, present political alternatives and nominate candidates. As such, political parties play an essential role for the advancement of women and the promotion of equality. In this section, you will find information on the role of political parties in promoting women's political participation.

World News

Liberal Party signs gender diversity plan to increase female representation in Parliament in Australia

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Liberal Party signs gender diversity plan to increase female representation in Parliament in Australia


The Liberal Party's federal executive has signed off on a 10-year plan to significantly increase its female representation in Parliament, in what one senator has described as a "watershed" moment for the party.

The Liberal Party's federal executive has signed off on a 10-year plan to significantly increase its female representation in Parliament, in what one senator has described as a "watershed" moment for the party.

World News

Women MPs Quotas Discussed in Georgia and Kyrgyzstan

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Women MPs Quotas Discussed in Georgia and Kyrgyzstan


The U.S. isn’t the only country deep into an election season. The former Soviet republic of Georgia, which gained independence in 1991, is heading into parliamentary elections in October. But while Hillary Clinton is busy breaking down gender barriers in U.S. politics, in Georgia women remain severely under-represented in the halls of power.

The U.S. isn’t the only country deep into an election season. The former Soviet republic of Georgia, which gained independence in 1991, is heading into parliamentary elections in October. But while Hillary Clinton is busy breaking down gender barriers in U.S. politics, in Georgia women remain severely under-represented in the halls of power.

Arab Women Parliamentarians Network for Equality

September 9, 2016

Arab Women Parliamentarians Network for Equality

The Arab Women Parliamentarians Network for Equality "Ra’edat", or "Pioneers" in English, is a regional parliamentary network that advocates gender equality and the

The Arab Women Parliamentarians Network for Equality "Ra’edat", or "Pioneers" in English, is a regional parliamentary network that advocates gender equality and the

World News

After remarkable advances for women in politics, progress is still needed

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After remarkable advances for women in politics, progress is still needed


In a historic first, Hillary Clinton was named the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee in the upcoming U.S. elections. If she wins, she will join Theresa May of Britain and Angela Merkel of Germany in the ranks of women who lead prominent Western democracies.

In a historic first, Hillary Clinton was named the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee in the upcoming U.S. elections. If she wins, she will join Theresa May of Britain and Angela Merkel of Germany in the ranks of women who lead prominent Western democracies.

World News

Linda Burney, First Female Indigenous Lower House MP in Australia

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Linda Burney, First Female Indigenous Lower House MP in Australia


The first Aboriginal woman elected to Australia's lower house of parliament has promised to bring the "fighting spirit of her clan" to political life.

In her maiden speech, Linda Burney wore a traditional kangaroo-skin cloak with her personal totem, the white cockatoo, known as the noisy messenger bird.

The first Aboriginal woman elected to Australia's lower house of parliament has promised to bring the "fighting spirit of her clan" to political life.

In her maiden speech, Linda Burney wore a traditional kangaroo-skin cloak with her personal totem, the white cockatoo, known as the noisy messenger bird.


World News

New Trend in Women World Leaders?

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New Trend in Women World Leaders?


Is there a new trend in women world leaders? This article tries to give an answer to this interesting question, with inputs from different organizations, including UN Women.

Is there a new trend in women world leaders? This article tries to give an answer to this interesting question, with inputs from different organizations, including UN Women.

World News

Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton Faces Sexism on Twitter

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Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton Faces Sexism on Twitter


As the Democratic presidential primary contest between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders has grown much closer, some commentators suggest that Clinton’s campaign is being bombarded with sexist invective — especially from Sanders supporters.

As the Democratic presidential primary contest between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders has grown much closer, some commentators suggest that Clinton’s campaign is being bombarded with sexist invective — especially from Sanders supporters.