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Political Parties

In a representative democracy, political parties function as a link between state institutions and local grassroots organizations. It is political parties that aggregate interests, present political alternatives and nominate candidates. As such, political parties play an essential role for the advancement of women and the promotion of equality. In this section, you will find information on the role of political parties in promoting women's political participation.

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Women’s political inclusion vital for stable democracy, proactive Parliament : NA Speaker

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Women’s political inclusion vital for stable democracy, proactive Parliament : NA Speaker


Women in politics: redefining representation and empowering others

July 20, 2023

Women in politics: redefining representation and empowering others

Nepal transitioned into a federal state of government after the promulgation of the Constitution of Nepal in 2015. One remarkable achievement since this shift has been the significant arrival of women in politics.

Nepal transitioned into a federal state of government after the promulgation of the Constitution of Nepal in 2015. One remarkable achievement since this shift has been the significant arrival of women in politics.