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Political Parties

In a representative democracy, political parties function as a link between state institutions and local grassroots organizations. It is political parties that aggregate interests, present political alternatives and nominate candidates. As such, political parties play an essential role for the advancement of women and the promotion of equality. In this section, you will find information on the role of political parties in promoting women's political participation.

World News

90,000 women candidates in Bengal rural polls

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90,000 women candidates in Bengal rural polls


 In a country where they have been playing second fiddle to men for centuries, women candidates outnumber men in the ongoing polls to the West Bengal village councils, the third tier of India's electoral democracy.

An estimated 90,000 rural women are contesting the pollls out of a total of 169,000 candidates, that is over half the total number of candidates in the elections that would decide representatives in 58,865 seats.

 In a country where they have been playing second fiddle to men for centuries, women candidates outnumber men in the ongoing polls to the West Bengal village councils, the third tier of India's electoral democracy.

An estimated 90,000 rural women are contesting the pollls out of a total of 169,000 candidates, that is over half the total number of candidates in the elections that would decide representatives in 58,865 seats.

World News

Liberia: Women NGO's Secretariat of Liberians Want More Women in Key Leadership Positions

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Liberia: Women NGO's Secretariat of Liberians Want More Women in Key Leadership Positions


Political parties in Liberia have been asked to ensure that at least 40 per cent of all elected positions at the district, regional and national levels are occupied by women.

The electorates have also been advised to vote for women to occupy political positions instead of always giving preference to men.

The Executive director of Women NGOs Secretariat of Liberia (WONGOSOL), made the call at the start of a three-day workshop in Gbarnga themed "Reinforcing Women's leadership in key positions in 2014 and 2017".

Political parties in Liberia have been asked to ensure that at least 40 per cent of all elected positions at the district, regional and national levels are occupied by women.

The electorates have also been advised to vote for women to occupy political positions instead of always giving preference to men.

The Executive director of Women NGOs Secretariat of Liberia (WONGOSOL), made the call at the start of a three-day workshop in Gbarnga themed "Reinforcing Women's leadership in key positions in 2014 and 2017".

World News

Conservatives Have A 'Women' Problem, That Can Only Be Fixed With Gender Politics, USA

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Conservatives Have A 'Women' Problem, That Can Only Be Fixed With Gender Politics, USA


It’s difficult to find a politician, politico or pundit who denies Republicans have a “women” problem. At best, it seems Republicans fail to engage with women voters effectively, and at worst conservatives seem determined to alienate large swaths of the female electorate with outrageous or ill-considered comments.

We invite you to read the full article published July 10 2013 by Forbes

It’s difficult to find a politician, politico or pundit who denies Republicans have a “women” problem. At best, it seems Republicans fail to engage with women voters effectively, and at worst conservatives seem determined to alienate large swaths of the female electorate with outrageous or ill-considered comments.

We invite you to read the full article published July 10 2013 by Forbes

Are parliaments favourable conduits for gender equality? IPU Opinion Piece

July 8, 2013

Are parliaments favourable conduits for gender equality? IPU Opinion Piece

By posing this question to parliamentarians from all over the world, the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) caused something of a stir.

By posing this question to parliamentarians from all over the world, the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) caused something of a stir.

World News

How Women Are Increasingly Winning Parliamentary Elections In India & World Over

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How Women Are Increasingly Winning Parliamentary Elections In India & World Over


Before India’s southern state of Karnataka went to the polls in May for legislative elections, IndiaSpend had reported on the low representation of women in the state legislature.

Before India’s southern state of Karnataka went to the polls in May for legislative elections, IndiaSpend had reported on the low representation of women in the state legislature.

World News

Women starting in politics get tough warnings, USA

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Women starting in politics get tough warnings, USA


The guest instructor in a Philadelphia University classroom got right to the point: You can do what you're thinking of doing, and you can make a difference. Just be prepared for the brutality.

"It is a dirty business, there is no doubt," Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane said. "It is distasteful. They call you every name in the book. They try and put you down as much as they possibly can - and sometimes that's your own party, just to get you out of the race so their buddy can run."

The guest instructor in a Philadelphia University classroom got right to the point: You can do what you're thinking of doing, and you can make a difference. Just be prepared for the brutality.

"It is a dirty business, there is no doubt," Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane said. "It is distasteful. They call you every name in the book. They try and put you down as much as they possibly can - and sometimes that's your own party, just to get you out of the race so their buddy can run."

World News

Political parties need women leaders, Pakistan

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Political parties need women leaders, Pakistan


IN the midst of the excitement of the formation of Pakistan’s new government, and all the self-congratulations about the transition from one democratic government to another, a different story captured some headlines recently.

IN the midst of the excitement of the formation of Pakistan’s new government, and all the self-congratulations about the transition from one democratic government to another, a different story captured some headlines recently.

World News

Gender equality, Pakistan

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Gender equality, Pakistan


Newly elected Pakistani National Assembly is effectively in place. The Prime Minister has taken oath of his office; the most interesting feature of this new assembly is the group of women on reserved seats. The idea was introduced by former dictator, General Musharraf apparently to give adequate representation to women, in this male dominated Pakistani society. It was to encourage 52 percent of Pakistani population to have their input in law making, particularly in matters pertaining to women.

Newly elected Pakistani National Assembly is effectively in place. The Prime Minister has taken oath of his office; the most interesting feature of this new assembly is the group of women on reserved seats. The idea was introduced by former dictator, General Musharraf apparently to give adequate representation to women, in this male dominated Pakistani society. It was to encourage 52 percent of Pakistani population to have their input in law making, particularly in matters pertaining to women.