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How gender quotas broaden the political agenda

October 27, 2022

How gender quotas broaden the political agenda

In 2013, a Christian democratic politician from Belgium and I sat down in her office in the Senate, the upper house of the federal parliament in Brussels. The senator recalled a long battle within her party to get more women candidates on party lists.

In 2013, a Christian democratic politician from Belgium and I sat down in her office in the Senate, the upper house of the federal parliament in Brussels. The senator recalled a long battle within her party to get more women candidates on party lists.

US midterm elections: Why Bolivia's lawmakers are 50% women

October 26, 2022

US midterm elections: Why Bolivia's lawmakers are 50% women

Despite historic gains in the past two congressional elections in the US, women hold just 27% of the seats. As Americans prepare to reshape Congress in the midterms, could Bolivia inspire change?

Despite historic gains in the past two congressional elections in the US, women hold just 27% of the seats. As Americans prepare to reshape Congress in the midterms, could Bolivia inspire change?

World News

It's a man's world: No more female leaders in China's Communist Party

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It's a man's world: No more female leaders in China's Communist Party


BEIJING – The Communist Party congress has laid bare the striking gender imbalance in the upper echelons of Chinese politics, with not a single woman making the 24-person Politburo for the first time in at least a quarter of a century.

As Xi Jinping and his allies concentrated power over the weekend, the party’s highest-ranking woman leader retired.

BEIJING – The Communist Party congress has laid bare the striking gender imbalance in the upper echelons of Chinese politics, with not a single woman making the 24-person Politburo for the first time in at least a quarter of a century.

As Xi Jinping and his allies concentrated power over the weekend, the party’s highest-ranking woman leader retired.

Women’s political participation, East and Southern Africa regional office

October 21, 2022

Women’s political participation, East and Southern Africa regional office

UN Women’s East and Southern Africa programming on Governance, Leadership and Political Participation is focused on providing technical support and capacity building to Member States, civil society and regional organizations, to enable women to fully a

UN Women’s East and Southern Africa programming on Governance, Leadership and Political Participation is focused on providing technical support and capacity building to Member States, civil society and regional organizations, to enable women to fully a

How did Rwanda become no.1 for gender equality?

October 21, 2022

How did Rwanda become no.1 for gender equality?

In 2008, the Rwanda Chamber of Deputies was the first elected national parliament where women were the majority. The proportion of MPs who are women is at 61.25% today, way above the current global average of 26.4%.

In 2008, the Rwanda Chamber of Deputies was the first elected national parliament where women were the majority. The proportion of MPs who are women is at 61.25% today, way above the current global average of 26.4%.

Brazil’s ghost candidates: How politicians abuse a law meant to encourage women in politics

October 6, 2022

Brazil’s ghost candidates: How politicians abuse a law meant to encourage women in politics

Despite being 53% of eligible voters, participation of women in Brazilian politics is still much lower compared to men.

Despite being 53% of eligible voters, participation of women in Brazilian politics is still much lower compared to men.

Quotas: Band-aid or magic bullet?

October 6, 2022

Quotas: Band-aid or magic bullet?

Fixing discrimination isn't as easy as putting anti-discrimination laws on the books. But, there is a tool that can at least chip away at the effects of discrimination: quotas.

Fixing discrimination isn't as easy as putting anti-discrimination laws on the books. But, there is a tool that can at least chip away at the effects of discrimination: quotas.