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World News

Brazil: Women politicians march on – but the pace is still too slow for many

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Brazil: Women politicians march on – but the pace is still too slow for many


Brazilians will return to the polls next week less than a month after voters elected a record number of women as mayors, but gender equality is still a distant goal in a political culture long dominated by men.

Only one female candidate will participate in the 50-city mayor run-offs on 28 October, which means Brazil will continue to lag behind most other Latin American states in terms of the gender balance among elected officials.

Brazilians will return to the polls next week less than a month after voters elected a record number of women as mayors, but gender equality is still a distant goal in a political culture long dominated by men.

Only one female candidate will participate in the 50-city mayor run-offs on 28 October, which means Brazil will continue to lag behind most other Latin American states in terms of the gender balance among elected officials.

World News

MENA: Questioning the Quota for Arab Women

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MENA: Questioning the Quota for Arab Women


Palestinians voted in local elections this past weekend for time since 2006, and one-fifth of seats are going to women, thanks to a new quota system for municipal councils in the West Bank. 
It’s a victory for some, but for others such as Maysoun Qawasmi it’s a defeat. Qawasmi headed an all-female party contesting Hebron’s city election. Her party of 11 local women got just a few hundred votes, not enough to get them even one seat on the council. 
Palestinians voted in local elections this past weekend for time since 2006, and one-fifth of seats are going to women, thanks to a new quota system for municipal councils in the West Bank. 
It’s a victory for some, but for others such as Maysoun Qawasmi it’s a defeat. Qawasmi headed an all-female party contesting Hebron’s city election. Her party of 11 local women got just a few hundred votes, not enough to get them even one seat on the council. 

World News

Armenia: Women Still Shut Out of Local Politics

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Armenia: Women Still Shut Out of Local Politics


The number of women standing in local elections in Armenia has barely changed from four years ago, despite government pledges to increase participation. Activists are now saying it might be is time for local polls to be subject to the same gender quotas as national elections.

The number of women standing in local elections in Armenia has barely changed from four years ago, despite government pledges to increase participation. Activists are now saying it might be is time for local polls to be subject to the same gender quotas as national elections.

World News

Solomon Islands: NGOs rekindle push for reserved seats for women

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Solomon Islands: NGOs rekindle push for reserved seats for women


A number of community organisations in Solomon Islands met with Government officials this week to try and advance their plans to have more women in Parliament.

There has been a unsuccessful push going back several years for reserved seats for women but this has taken on more urgency with a recent report saying Solomon Islands will not achieve any of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015.

Gender equality is one of the 8 goals and Solomon Islands has just one woman MP and has had just one other in 34 years since independence.

A number of community organisations in Solomon Islands met with Government officials this week to try and advance their plans to have more women in Parliament.

There has been a unsuccessful push going back several years for reserved seats for women but this has taken on more urgency with a recent report saying Solomon Islands will not achieve any of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015.

Gender equality is one of the 8 goals and Solomon Islands has just one woman MP and has had just one other in 34 years since independence.

World News

Pacific: UNDP keen to support getting more Pacific women in Parliament

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Pacific: UNDP keen to support getting more Pacific women in Parliament


The head of the United Nations Development Programme says her organisation will happily support MPs who want to re-introduce legislation to increase women’s political representation.

Across the Pacific, only about 5 percent of parliamentarians are women.

Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands have attempted reserved seats, and legislation has been introduced in Samoa.

Helen Clark says the developing countries around the World that have made the biggest strides in women’s representation have generally employed special measures.

The head of the United Nations Development Programme says her organisation will happily support MPs who want to re-introduce legislation to increase women’s political representation.

Across the Pacific, only about 5 percent of parliamentarians are women.

Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands have attempted reserved seats, and legislation has been introduced in Samoa.

Helen Clark says the developing countries around the World that have made the biggest strides in women’s representation have generally employed special measures.

World News

Kenya: Why MPs want women to compete for elective positions

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Kenya: Why MPs want women to compete for elective positions


Women hoping to join Parliament will have to face elections if proposals made by MPs and political party leaders are approved by the House.


A two-day weekend meeting to discuss mechanisms to achieve gender parity in the General Election returned a unanimous decision that direct nomination of women to Parliament should be reduced as much as possible to encourage women to run for election and face competition.


Women hoping to join Parliament will have to face elections if proposals made by MPs and political party leaders are approved by the House.


A two-day weekend meeting to discuss mechanisms to achieve gender parity in the General Election returned a unanimous decision that direct nomination of women to Parliament should be reduced as much as possible to encourage women to run for election and face competition.


World News

Somaliland: Lawmakers oppose parliament quota for women and minorities

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Somaliland: Lawmakers oppose parliament quota for women and minorities


Advocacy groups for women and minorities in Somaliland have raised concerns about their political role in government after members of the lower house voted down a provision that would have established a quota for their representation in parliament.

"We decided to remove the provision providing a quota of local council and parliamentary seats to women and other minority groups from the agenda after lawmakers refused to debate on it," said first Deputy Speaker of Parliament Bashe Mohamed Farah after the vote.

Advocacy groups for women and minorities in Somaliland have raised concerns about their political role in government after members of the lower house voted down a provision that would have established a quota for their representation in parliament.

"We decided to remove the provision providing a quota of local council and parliamentary seats to women and other minority groups from the agenda after lawmakers refused to debate on it," said first Deputy Speaker of Parliament Bashe Mohamed Farah after the vote.

World News

India: 6 pro-quota Mizo women councillors stage walk out

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India: 6 pro-quota Mizo women councillors stage walk out


Six women from the Aizawl Municipal Council (AMC) staged a walk out on Saturday soon after the council passed a resolution not to create reservation of seats for the fairer sex  in the local council.

During discussion, the women said that if the resolution for reservation of seats for women cannot be taken up “there is no point of their participation in the Aizawl Municipal Council session”.



Six women from the Aizawl Municipal Council (AMC) staged a walk out on Saturday soon after the council passed a resolution not to create reservation of seats for the fairer sex  in the local council.

During discussion, the women said that if the resolution for reservation of seats for women cannot be taken up “there is no point of their participation in the Aizawl Municipal Council session”.