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The Implementation of Quotas: Latin American Experiences

February 15, 2007

The Implementation of Quotas: Latin American Experiences

This case study documents the results of a workshop that brought together researchers and practitioners to collect country- and region-specific information on quota implementation and enforcement in Latin America.

This case study documents the results of a workshop that brought together researchers and practitioners to collect country- and region-specific information on quota implementation and enforcement in Latin America.

Electoral Processes in Selected Countries of the Middle East: A Case Study

February 15, 2007

Electoral Processes in Selected Countries of the Middle East: A Case Study

The paper includes three brief case studies of the electoral processes in Yemen, Lebanon and Jordan. It attempts to assess how the electoral process in each of these countries was supportive, or not, of women’s participation.

The paper includes three brief case studies of the electoral processes in Yemen, Lebanon and Jordan. It attempts to assess how the electoral process in each of these countries was supportive, or not, of women’s participation.

Women's Political Participation and Good Governance: 21st Century Challenges

February 15, 2007

Women's Political Participation and Good Governance: 21st Century Challenges

This report explores the various aspects of gender issues in political participation and governance. It analyzes the impact of women as agents of change in the political process, reviews key challenges in this area, and suggests strategies for increasing women’s representation.

This report explores the various aspects of gender issues in political participation and governance. It analyzes the impact of women as agents of change in the political process, reviews key challenges in this area, and suggests strategies for increasing women’s representation.

Women in Government Source Kit

February 15, 2007

Women in Government Source Kit

This resource kit provides tools for learning about the issues surrounding the campaign for gender balance or parity in government and gender balance in politics more generally.

This resource kit provides tools for learning about the issues surrounding the campaign for gender balance or parity in government and gender balance in politics more generally.

Taking Gender Equality Seriously: Making Progess, Meeting New Challenges

February 14, 2007

Taking Gender Equality Seriously: Making Progess, Meeting New Challenges

This report illustrates the progress and new challenges the UNDP is facing in its day-to-day work on gender mainstreaming.

This report illustrates the progress and new challenges the UNDP is facing in its day-to-day work on gender mainstreaming.

Strengthening Governance: The Role of Women in Rwanda's Transition, A Summary

February 14, 2007

Strengthening Governance: The Role of Women in Rwanda's Transition, A Summary

This report examines the significance of gender to governance; explores the new structures created by Rwanda's transitional government to increase women's participation in the political arena; and highlights women's contributions to promoting peace through good governance.

This report examines the significance of gender to governance; explores the new structures created by Rwanda's transitional government to increase women's participation in the political arena; and highlights women's contributions to promoting peace through good governance.

Parliamentary Development: Gender Perspective

February 14, 2007

Parliamentary Development: Gender Perspective

This report argues that women in parliament can have a positive impact on the political process and strongly advocates for gender equality in parliament. It also includes a brief case study of women legislators in Rwanda.

This report argues that women in parliament can have a positive impact on the political process and strongly advocates for gender equality in parliament. It also includes a brief case study of women legislators in Rwanda.

The Implementation of Quotas for Women: The Indian Experience

September 24, 2002

The Implementation of Quotas for Women: The Indian Experience

The paper attempts to situate the discussion of reservation (quotas) for women both in the wider historical and contemporary context of reservation for the historically disadvantaged groups in India.1 The paper also examines the contemporary experience of one-third reservation for women in the lo

The paper attempts to situate the discussion of reservation (quotas) for women both in the wider historical and contemporary context of reservation for the historically disadvantaged groups in India.1 The paper also examines the contemporary experience of one-third reservation for women in the lo