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Violence Against Women in Politics

As the prominence of women in politics increases, so does the incidence of violence against women in politics. This section highlights news, interviews, resources and events on violence against women in politics

World News

Alliance for Women in Media charges journalists take lead role in closing gender gap in politics

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Alliance for Women in Media charges journalists take lead role in closing gender gap in politics


World News

First female political prisoner in Saied's Tunisia, Chaima Issa, is free

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First female political prisoner in Saied's Tunisia, Chaima Issa, is free


Chaima Isaa, the first female political prisoner in Saied's Tunisia, was finally liberated after spending more than five months in jail but expressed concern about fellow activists still behind bars.

Late on Thursday night, 13 July, writer Chaima Issa, a member of the main opposition coalition, the National Salvation Front, exited Manouba's women's Prison gate under cheers from relatives, supporters and family members of jailed activists.

Chaima Isaa, the first female political prisoner in Saied's Tunisia, was finally liberated after spending more than five months in jail but expressed concern about fellow activists still behind bars.

Late on Thursday night, 13 July, writer Chaima Issa, a member of the main opposition coalition, the National Salvation Front, exited Manouba's women's Prison gate under cheers from relatives, supporters and family members of jailed activists.

World News

ZESN urges society to end violence against women in politics

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ZESN urges society to end violence against women in politics


Zimbabwe Elections Support Network (ZESN)’s Senior Advocacy for Electoral Reform Officer, Heather Koga, has emphasized the need for society and the state to recognize violence against women during election periods as a pressing societal issue that must be prevented and not dismissed as a personal matter.

Zimbabwe Elections Support Network (ZESN)’s Senior Advocacy for Electoral Reform Officer, Heather Koga, has emphasized the need for society and the state to recognize violence against women during election periods as a pressing societal issue that must be prevented and not dismissed as a personal matter.

World News

Netherlands: another prominent woman quits national politics over "ugly" atmosphere; more concerns raised

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Netherlands: another prominent woman quits national politics over "ugly" atmosphere; more concerns raised


When woman president of United Nations General Assembly was given a back row seat at a global summit

July 6, 2023

When woman president of United Nations General Assembly was given a back row seat at a global summit

When the United Nations commemorated ‘International Day of Women in Diplomacy’ last week, the President of the General Assembly (PGA) Csaba Kőrösi rightly pointed out the woeful absence of women to hold that position in the UN hierarchy.

When the United Nations commemorated ‘International Day of Women in Diplomacy’ last week, the President of the General Assembly (PGA) Csaba Kőrösi rightly pointed out the woeful absence of women to hold that position in the UN hierarchy.

World News

Pakistan-born woman politician assaulted outside Eidul Adha prayer hall in US

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Pakistan-born woman politician assaulted outside Eidul Adha prayer hall in US


A Pakistan-born woman member of the House of Representatives of the US state of Connecticut was attacked after she came out of a hall after offering Eidul Adha prayers with her family this week in the state’s capital city of Hartford, it emerged on Saturday.

A Pakistan-born woman member of the House of Representatives of the US state of Connecticut was attacked after she came out of a hall after offering Eidul Adha prayers with her family this week in the state’s capital city of Hartford, it emerged on Saturday.