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Violence Against Women in Politics

As the prominence of women in politics increases, so does the incidence of violence against women in politics. This section highlights news, interviews, resources and events on violence against women in politics

Iranian protesters remain defiant in the face of violent and brutal regime oppression

June 20, 2023

Iranian protesters remain defiant in the face of violent and brutal regime oppression

The vibrant, brave and unyielding voice of dissent remains strong in Iran despite months of brutal repression by the clerical regime.

The vibrant, brave and unyielding voice of dissent remains strong in Iran despite months of brutal repression by the clerical regime.

World News

Zimbabwe: violence cited as major repellent factor to women participation in politics

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Zimbabwe: violence cited as major repellent factor to women participation in politics


Violence against women has been cited as one of the main repellent factors to women participation in mainstream politics.

Violence against women has been cited as one of the main repellent factors to women participation in mainstream politics.

CMI Insight: The long journey of Sudanese women from the margins of politics to influential roles in official processes

June 19, 2023

CMI Insight: The long journey of Sudanese women from the margins of politics to influential roles in official processes

Women have been politically active and have played key roles at times of critical turning points in Sudan’s history, but this has not been translated into official recogni

Women have been politically active and have played key roles at times of critical turning points in Sudan’s history, but this has not been translated into official recogni


Kuwaiti women still struggle to find ‘rightful place’ in political narrative

June 8, 2023

Kuwaiti women still struggle to find ‘rightful place’ in political narrative

Who is Mudhawi? I had asked. Dr AlanoudAl Sharekh, the quiet, unassuming award-winning academic, activist, and founding member of Abolish 153, had quietly explained that Mudhawi is a traditional name from the Arabian Gulf region.

Who is Mudhawi? I had asked. Dr AlanoudAl Sharekh, the quiet, unassuming award-winning academic, activist, and founding member of Abolish 153, had quietly explained that Mudhawi is a traditional name from the Arabian Gulf region.

Women in politics face misogyny and violence in Zimbabwe

June 2, 2023

Women in politics face misogyny and violence in Zimbabwe

As Zimbabwe prepares for the 2023 general elections, women who aspire to participate in politics face numerous challenges, including stereotypes, violence, and patriarchal dominance.

As Zimbabwe prepares for the 2023 general elections, women who aspire to participate in politics face numerous challenges, including stereotypes, violence, and patriarchal dominance.

Ignoring online abuse of women MPs has dire consequences

May 31, 2023

Ignoring online abuse of women MPs has dire consequences

Women MPs are exposed to daily online harassment, and social media platforms provide unlimited scope for anonymous, hostile and aggressive behaviour to be targeted at them.

Women MPs are exposed to daily online harassment, and social media platforms provide unlimited scope for anonymous, hostile and aggressive behaviour to be targeted at them.