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Violence Against Women in Politics

As the prominence of women in politics increases, so does the incidence of violence against women in politics. This section highlights news, interviews, resources and events on violence against women in politics

France, femmes en politique: que nous disent les médias?

October 20, 2022

France, femmes en politique: que nous disent les médias?

Pourquoi privilégier l’étude des médias quand on travaille sur les questions de genre ?

Pourquoi privilégier l’étude des médias quand on travaille sur les questions de genre ?

What is a gender-sensitive parliament?

October 19, 2022

What is a gender-sensitive parliament?

What are the criteria that make a parliament gender-sensitive? Which parliaments are more gender-sensitive than others? How can your parliament become more gender-sensitive? Answers in this short video.

What are the criteria that make a parliament gender-sensitive? Which parliaments are more gender-sensitive than others? How can your parliament become more gender-sensitive? Answers in this short video.

World News

IPU Member Parliaments commit to accelerating gender equality

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IPU Member Parliaments commit to accelerating gender equality


World News

Female candidates for the Lebanese presidential elections: indications and their chances of winning

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Female candidates for the Lebanese presidential elections: indications and their chances of winning


Lebanese women are still excluded from the main decision-making positions in Lebanon, such as the presidency of the Republic, premiership and parliament speaker, despite their prominent presence in the human rights and diplomatic fields, and in international forums. There has also been improvement in female representation in the Lebanese Parliament in the last elections that took place in May 2022, with 8 women winning seats, in the best representation of women nominated and reaching the Parliament in the history of the country.

Lebanese women are still excluded from the main decision-making positions in Lebanon, such as the presidency of the Republic, premiership and parliament speaker, despite their prominent presence in the human rights and diplomatic fields, and in international forums. There has also been improvement in female representation in the Lebanese Parliament in the last elections that took place in May 2022, with 8 women winning seats, in the best representation of women nominated and reaching the Parliament in the history of the country.

World News

Two female candidates nominated in Kazakhstan’s presidential elections for first time

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Two female candidates nominated in Kazakhstan’s presidential elections for first time


ASTANA – Human rights activist Saltanat Tursynbekova was nominated to run for the presidency by Qazaq analary – dasturge zhol (Kazakh mothers are a path to traditions) public association on Oct. 11, reported the association’s press services.

Saltanat Tursynbekova is a member of the Public Council of Astana and founder of the Kazakhstan without domestic violence social project. She is a human rights activist, who focuses on women’s and children’s rights. 

ASTANA – Human rights activist Saltanat Tursynbekova was nominated to run for the presidency by Qazaq analary – dasturge zhol (Kazakh mothers are a path to traditions) public association on Oct. 11, reported the association’s press services.

Saltanat Tursynbekova is a member of the Public Council of Astana and founder of the Kazakhstan without domestic violence social project. She is a human rights activist, who focuses on women’s and children’s rights. 

World News

World female parliamentarians vow to empower girls

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World female parliamentarians vow to empower girls


KIGALI, Oct. 12 (Xinhua) -- Female Members of Parliament under the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) vowed to prioritize the empowerment of girls in societies.

"We have a responsibility to ensure that the empowerment of girls is a top priority and that their basic rights are protected and fulfilled to ensure the gender-equal future of our societies," said Esperance Nyirasafari, president of the Forum of Women Parliamentarians.

KIGALI, Oct. 12 (Xinhua) -- Female Members of Parliament under the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) vowed to prioritize the empowerment of girls in societies.

"We have a responsibility to ensure that the empowerment of girls is a top priority and that their basic rights are protected and fulfilled to ensure the gender-equal future of our societies," said Esperance Nyirasafari, president of the Forum of Women Parliamentarians.

Equal power now: Girls, young women and political participation

October 12, 2022

Equal power now: Girls, young women and political participation

This year’s State of the World’s Girls report is focused on girls’ and young women’s political participation.

This year’s State of the World’s Girls report is focused on girls’ and young women’s political participation.

Accelerating efforts to tackle online and technology-facilitated violence against women and girls

October 7, 2022

Accelerating efforts to tackle online and technology-facilitated violence against women and girls

Violence against women and girls (VAWG) in digital contexts is not a new phenomenon, however it has rapidly escalated in the shadows of the 

Violence against women and girls (VAWG) in digital contexts is not a new phenomenon, however it has rapidly escalated in the shadows of the 

Lebanon: 2022 Parliamentary Elections Monitoring Report – From a Gender Perspective

October 4, 2022

Lebanon: 2022 Parliamentary Elections Monitoring Report – From a Gender Perspective

In in the context of promoting democracy, equality and equal opportunities, UNDP partnered with t

In in the context of promoting democracy, equality and equal opportunities, UNDP partnered with t