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Women's Leadership

“We thought you were going to be a good girl”: Two foreign policy dynamos confront the male world order

November 9, 2022

“We thought you were going to be a good girl”: Two foreign policy dynamos confront the male world order

Linda Thomas-Greenfield and Gayle Smith on the choices they had to make to succeed, and why — from Iran to Afghanistan to America’s heartland — they think today’s young women will build a better world.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield and Gayle Smith on the choices they had to make to succeed, and why — from Iran to Afghanistan to America’s heartland — they think today’s young women will build a better world.

World News

“Massive blind spot”: Anger at low proportion of women in Sunak’s cabinet

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“Massive blind spot”: Anger at low proportion of women in Sunak’s cabinet


Women’s groups express concern as just 23% of those named to new PM’s cabinet are female.

Women’s groups have reacted with concern and anger over the low representation of women in the new cabinet.

Women’s groups express concern as just 23% of those named to new PM’s cabinet are female.

Women’s groups have reacted with concern and anger over the low representation of women in the new cabinet.

Germany’s parliament is more female than it was

November 8, 2022

Germany’s parliament is more female than it was

Apolitical man is disgusting, but a political woman is appalling…In history there are no more cruel phenomena than political women,” wrote Richard Wagner to Franz Liszt, his fellow composer, about Ortrud, the sorceress in his opera “Lohen

Apolitical man is disgusting, but a political woman is appalling…In history there are no more cruel phenomena than political women,” wrote Richard Wagner to Franz Liszt, his fellow composer, about Ortrud, the sorceress in his opera “Lohen

African women in politics: Influence or just numbers?

November 8, 2022

African women in politics: Influence or just numbers?

The world we live in is marked by a profoundly unequal distribution of the burden of adversity between men and women. From Japan to Africa, to the United States of America, gender disparity exists in almost every country.

The world we live in is marked by a profoundly unequal distribution of the burden of adversity between men and women. From Japan to Africa, to the United States of America, gender disparity exists in almost every country.

Malaysia still far behind in women's political participation

November 7, 2022

Malaysia still far behind in women's political participation

MALAYSIA is viewed as progressive where gender equality and advancing women's rights are concerned.

MALAYSIA is viewed as progressive where gender equality and advancing women's rights are concerned.

“Where is Nancy?”: How threats against women in power are tied to threats against democracy

November 7, 2022

“Where is Nancy?”: How threats against women in power are tied to threats against democracy

The attack on Paul Pelosi in his home by an assailant who reportedly was looking for the House speaker highlights the danger of the outrage and vitriol that often particularly targets women in positions of power. 

The attack on Paul Pelosi in his home by an assailant who reportedly was looking for the House speaker highlights the danger of the outrage and vitriol that often particularly targets women in positions of power. 

World News

Political leaders commit to 30% women representation in elections

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Political leaders commit to 30% women representation in elections


KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 5 — Leaders from various political parties today were all on the same page in their commitment to achieving the target of fielding 30 per cent women candidates in elections, in turn increasing female representation in the country’s legislative bodies.

DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke Siew Fook said the party will field more female candidates in the 15th general election (GE15) compared to GE14.

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 5 — Leaders from various political parties today were all on the same page in their commitment to achieving the target of fielding 30 per cent women candidates in elections, in turn increasing female representation in the country’s legislative bodies.

DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke Siew Fook said the party will field more female candidates in the 15th general election (GE15) compared to GE14.

World News

Denmark elects record 44% women to parliament with female PM set to win another term

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Denmark elects record 44% women to parliament with female PM set to win another term


  • Number of women in legislature jumps to highest after election
  • Female prime minister is also likely to win another term

Danes elected a record number of women into the national parliament in this week’s general election, which is also set to pave the way for another term for the Nordic country’s female prime minister.

  • Number of women in legislature jumps to highest after election
  • Female prime minister is also likely to win another term

Danes elected a record number of women into the national parliament in this week’s general election, which is also set to pave the way for another term for the Nordic country’s female prime minister.

World News

Female politicians disadvantaged by online prejudices and stereotypes

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Female politicians disadvantaged by online prejudices and stereotypes



In Reddit comments, female politicians are more likely to be referred to by their first names, and with a less professional focus, than their male counterparts. This a new study from the University of Copenhagen finds. Previous work from the researchers investigated gender differences in search engine results and language models with the same main conclusion: gender bias is widespread online. According to the researchers, this disadvantages female politicians.


In Reddit comments, female politicians are more likely to be referred to by their first names, and with a less professional focus, than their male counterparts. This a new study from the University of Copenhagen finds. Previous work from the researchers investigated gender differences in search engine results and language models with the same main conclusion: gender bias is widespread online. According to the researchers, this disadvantages female politicians.