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Women's Leadership

World News

UAE aims for greater political empowerment of Emirati women

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UAE aims for greater political empowerment of Emirati women


Country on target towards 50% female representation in Federal National Council.

Abu Dhabi: The Ministry of State for Federal National Council Affairs (MFNCA) has organised a dialogue session to promote political participation among Emirati women.

Country on target towards 50% female representation in Federal National Council.

Abu Dhabi: The Ministry of State for Federal National Council Affairs (MFNCA) has organised a dialogue session to promote political participation among Emirati women.

World News

How to mitigate these five threats to democracy

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How to mitigate these five threats to democracy


Democratization is under pressure across the globe. Here are five major threats to democracy, and how to mitigate them.

Democracy is as precarious as it is precious. Some 25 years after the IPU issued its Universal Declaration on Democracy, its principles continue to be challenged and eroded by corruption, populism and autocracy. But there are other, more insidious threats to democracy that have become more apparent at this particular moment in world history. 

Democratization is under pressure across the globe. Here are five major threats to democracy, and how to mitigate them.

Democracy is as precarious as it is precious. Some 25 years after the IPU issued its Universal Declaration on Democracy, its principles continue to be challenged and eroded by corruption, populism and autocracy. But there are other, more insidious threats to democracy that have become more apparent at this particular moment in world history. 

14th Summit of women speakers of parliament (Video)

September 14, 2022

14th Summit of women speakers of parliament (Video)

The 14th Summit of Women Speakers of Parliament (14SWSP), convened by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), in close cooperation with the Oliy Majlis (Supreme Assembly) of Uzbekistan, took place in-person, in Tashkent (Uzbekistan), from 8 to 9 September 2022.

The 14th Summit of Women Speakers of Parliament (14SWSP), convened by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), in close cooperation with the Oliy Majlis (Supreme Assembly) of Uzbekistan, took place in-person, in Tashkent (Uzbekistan), from 8 to 9 September 2022.

World News

Paraguay: Political training school for women leaders earns award by the global network on electoral justice

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Paraguay: Political training school for women leaders earns award by the global network on electoral justice


The women’s training programme, led by the national Electoral Management Body in cooperation with International IDEA, earned an Honorable Mention in the Gender Equality category in the first edition of the Global Network on Electoral Justice Awards for meeting the main criterion of contributing to a concrete and measurable increase in gender parity in public life.

The women’s training programme, led by the national Electoral Management Body in cooperation with International IDEA, earned an Honorable Mention in the Gender Equality category in the first edition of the Global Network on Electoral Justice Awards for meeting the main criterion of contributing to a concrete and measurable increase in gender parity in public life.

World News

Despite being at forefront of activism, women and girls still face barriers

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Despite being at forefront of activism, women and girls still face barriers


“Authorities should support the voices of young activists more; instead of silencing or minimizing them, they should be used as platforms to empower, generate a change,” said Meskerem Geset Techane, a member of the Working Group on discrimination against women and girls.

“Authorities should support the voices of young activists more; instead of silencing or minimizing them, they should be used as platforms to empower, generate a change,” said Meskerem Geset Techane, a member of the Working Group on discrimination against women and girls.

World News

Queen Elizabeth II, Britain's steadfast monarch, dies

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Queen Elizabeth II, Britain's steadfast monarch, dies


Queen Elizabeth II, the world’s longest-serving head of state who led her subjects for more than seven decades, has died at the age of 96.

Queen Elizabeth II, the world’s longest-serving head of state who led her subjects for more than seven decades, has died at the age of 96.

World News

Liz Truss praised for diverse cabinet

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Liz Truss praised for diverse cabinet


First black chancellor of the exchequer among prime minister’s appointees.

Addressing MPs in the House of Commons chamber on Wednesday, former prime minister Theresa May wryly observed that of the UK’s three elected female prime ministers all have hailed from the Conservative party. 

First black chancellor of the exchequer among prime minister’s appointees.

Addressing MPs in the House of Commons chamber on Wednesday, former prime minister Theresa May wryly observed that of the UK’s three elected female prime ministers all have hailed from the Conservative party. 



Women in Politics and the Media

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Women in Politics and the Media


“The press was as kind as it knew how to be. It meant well and did all for us it knew how to do. We couldn't ask it to do more than it knew how.” [Laughter] — Susan B. Anthony, 1893


“The press was as kind as it knew how to be. It meant well and did all for us it knew how to do. We couldn't ask it to do more than it knew how.” [Laughter] — Susan B. Anthony, 1893