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Women's Leadership

World News

Liberia: Weah’s CDC adopts 40% women quota

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Liberia: Weah’s CDC adopts 40% women quota


The Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) of President George Weah has adopted a resolution that would force the party to have more women in leadership positions.

The party, which is celebrating its 17th anniversary, reached a general consensus on the long-sought measure —  that has now been claimed as an enshrined policy decision for all of its internal and external democratic processes. 

The Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) of President George Weah has adopted a resolution that would force the party to have more women in leadership positions.

The party, which is celebrating its 17th anniversary, reached a general consensus on the long-sought measure —  that has now been claimed as an enshrined policy decision for all of its internal and external democratic processes. 

Republic of Korea: A 26-year-old sex-crime fighter dives into South Korean politics

June 2, 2022

Republic of Korea: A 26-year-old sex-crime fighter dives into South Korean politics

Park Ji-hyun has emerged as a leader of South Korea’s opposition and a torchbearer for women fed up with the country’s longstanding gender divide.

Park Ji-hyun has emerged as a leader of South Korea’s opposition and a torchbearer for women fed up with the country’s longstanding gender divide.

How women have come to hold the top post in 13 out of 45 countries in Europe

June 1, 2022

How women have come to hold the top post in 13 out of 45 countries in Europe

European countries began electing women in top posts from the late 1970s, though the first woman to head a government in the world was Sri Lanka's PM Sirimavo Bandaranaike.

European countries began electing women in top posts from the late 1970s, though the first woman to head a government in the world was Sri Lanka's PM Sirimavo Bandaranaike.

World News

Karnataka: 33% quota for women in outsourced government jobs

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Karnataka: 33% quota for women in outsourced government jobs



In a significant move, the Karnataka government has reserved 33 per cent for outsourced women employees in all the departments. As per the circular, the state government recruits data entry operators, housekeeping staff and other group D employees, drivers through outsourcing.

In a significant move, the Karnataka government has reserved 33 per cent for outsourced women employees in all the departments. 


In a significant move, the Karnataka government has reserved 33 per cent for outsourced women employees in all the departments. As per the circular, the state government recruits data entry operators, housekeeping staff and other group D employees, drivers through outsourcing.

In a significant move, the Karnataka government has reserved 33 per cent for outsourced women employees in all the departments. 

Where are the women? The challenge facing the next PNG parliament

May 25, 2022

Where are the women? The challenge facing the next PNG parliament

A country ranking among the world’s lowest for political participation by women has enormous social bias to overcome.

A country ranking among the world’s lowest for political participation by women has enormous social bias to overcome.

World News

Cambodian women in leadership rising

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Cambodian women in leadership rising


Cambodia organised the National Forum on ‘Women in Leadership and Governance’ acknowledging increasing number of women in key leadership roles in the country.

In her address, National Assembly (NA) Second Vice President and Chairwoman of Women Parliamentarians Caucus Khuon Sudary, who presided over the opening of the forum on May 17, highlighted that the number of female members of the Senate and National Assembly has now risen to 18 and 20 percent respectively.

Cambodia organised the National Forum on ‘Women in Leadership and Governance’ acknowledging increasing number of women in key leadership roles in the country.

In her address, National Assembly (NA) Second Vice President and Chairwoman of Women Parliamentarians Caucus Khuon Sudary, who presided over the opening of the forum on May 17, highlighted that the number of female members of the Senate and National Assembly has now risen to 18 and 20 percent respectively.

Canada: More women in politics would help safeguard access to abortion

May 24, 2022

Canada: More women in politics would help safeguard access to abortion

"Women hold just 30 per cent of seats in Parliament; only two of 12 premiers are women. It matters because women matter."

"Women hold just 30 per cent of seats in Parliament; only two of 12 premiers are women. It matters because women matter."

World News

#PanWomanity as the new #PanAfricanism: What can data tell us?

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#PanWomanity as the new #PanAfricanism: What can data tell us?


The inclusivity of women in politics and decision-making is steadily rising across Africa. This could be the last frontier for sustainable development in Africa.

Africa has enormous potential to grow if it can take advantage of the untapped power that girls and women hold as societal and economic drivers. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates that the lack of inclusion of women in the economy will cost Sub-Saharan Africa as much as US$110 billion in 2022, and $190 billion in 2023.[1]

The inclusivity of women in politics and decision-making is steadily rising across Africa. This could be the last frontier for sustainable development in Africa.

Africa has enormous potential to grow if it can take advantage of the untapped power that girls and women hold as societal and economic drivers. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates that the lack of inclusion of women in the economy will cost Sub-Saharan Africa as much as US$110 billion in 2022, and $190 billion in 2023.[1]

Politics and peril for Asian women

May 19, 2022

Politics and peril for Asian women

The political landscape in Asia has been very dynamic lately, but it is a disappointment to me personally that events have not been kind to women.

The political landscape in Asia has been very dynamic lately, but it is a disappointment to me personally that events have not been kind to women.