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Women's Leadership

Renewing U.S. investments in women’s political leadership

February 3, 2022

Renewing U.S. investments in women’s political leadership

As part of last December’s Summit for Democracy, the Biden administration launched a wide range of commitments aimed at countering the troubling anti-democratic headwinds around the world.

As part of last December’s Summit for Democracy, the Biden administration launched a wide range of commitments aimed at countering the troubling anti-democratic headwinds around the world.

Pragmatic bias impedes women’s access to political leadership

February 3, 2022

Pragmatic bias impedes women’s access to political leadership

Women remain underrepresented in political leadership in the United States and beyond.

Women remain underrepresented in political leadership in the United States and beyond.

World News

Groupthink gone wrong: Stanford scholars show how assumptions about electability undermine women political candidates

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Groupthink gone wrong: Stanford scholars show how assumptions about electability undermine women political candidates


When voters perceive women political candidates to be less electable than men they are likely to vote for a man instead. But there are ways to overcome these often-exaggerated beliefs, according to new Stanford research.

In a primary election, if voters believe that it is too hard or impossible for a woman candidate to win a general election, they’ll support a male candidate from their party instead – even if they personally preferred a woman, according to new Stanford research.

When voters perceive women political candidates to be less electable than men they are likely to vote for a man instead. But there are ways to overcome these often-exaggerated beliefs, according to new Stanford research.

In a primary election, if voters believe that it is too hard or impossible for a woman candidate to win a general election, they’ll support a male candidate from their party instead – even if they personally preferred a woman, according to new Stanford research.

World News

Myanmar women take the lead in resisting the military

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Myanmar women take the lead in resisting the military


The issue of gender equality in Myanmar is in the spotlight again. Women are on the frontlines of the anti-coup protests taking place since the junta ousted the civilian government a year ago.

Since the Myanmar military brutally put down the mass protests that began following the February 1 coup last year, flash mobs have repeatedly gathered in major cities such as Yangon and Mandalay to protest against the military junta.

The issue of gender equality in Myanmar is in the spotlight again. Women are on the frontlines of the anti-coup protests taking place since the junta ousted the civilian government a year ago.

Since the Myanmar military brutally put down the mass protests that began following the February 1 coup last year, flash mobs have repeatedly gathered in major cities such as Yangon and Mandalay to protest against the military junta.

India: the link between education and participation of women in Indian politics

January 31, 2022

India: the link between education and participation of women in Indian politics

The gender disparity in politics is indicative of the of need to promote education amongst women, thus, enabling greater political participation.

The gender disparity in politics is indicative of the of need to promote education amongst women, thus, enabling greater political participation.

Kuviraa, building political engagement & leadership in young girls

January 28, 2022

Kuviraa, building political engagement & leadership in young girls

Kuviraa, which means courageous women in multiple Indian languages, aims to work with young girls, especially from marginalised and minority communities, between the ages of 12 - 20 to change attitudes towards politics in India through the following three goals: to in

Kuviraa, which means courageous women in multiple Indian languages, aims to work with young girls, especially from marginalised and minority communities, between the ages of 12 - 20 to change attitudes towards politics in India through the following three goals: to in

World News

Political hopeful applauds Barbados for progress with women in politics, urges same for Antigua and Barbuda

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Political hopeful applauds Barbados for progress with women in politics, urges same for Antigua and Barbuda


One political hopeful in Antigua and Barbuda is commending the recently-elected Barbados government for its progress with the inclusion of women in politics, while urging the same for the twin island nation.

One political hopeful in Antigua and Barbuda is commending the recently-elected Barbados government for its progress with the inclusion of women in politics, while urging the same for the twin island nation.