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World News

Lack of women at global tables of power hinders progress, says top UN official

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Lack of women at global tables of power hinders progress, says top UN official


A lack of women at decision-making tables around the world is hindering progress when it comes to tackling conflicts or improving health and standard of living, the highest ranking woman in the UN has said.

A lack of women at decision-making tables around the world is hindering progress when it comes to tackling conflicts or improving health and standard of living, the highest ranking woman in the UN has said.

World News

Gender equality: How many women hold cabinet positions in 2024?

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Gender equality: How many women hold cabinet positions in 2024?


¨Global comparable data on women in cabinet positions, in the latest Global Gender Gap Report 2024, shows limited gains towards equal participation.

¨Most countries are far from reaching gender parity in cabinet positions, but global trends towards more inclusive cabinets can be accelerated.

¨Global comparable data on women in cabinet positions, in the latest Global Gender Gap Report 2024, shows limited gains towards equal participation.

¨Most countries are far from reaching gender parity in cabinet positions, but global trends towards more inclusive cabinets can be accelerated.

World News

Female politicians struggle to get off the blocks in the Solomon Islands

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Female politicians struggle to get off the blocks in the Solomon Islands


After a 12-month delay, the 12th Solomon Islands national general elections were held on 17 April 2024. For the first time, joint elections were held, with most provincial assemblies and the Honiara City Council also going to the polls. For women, the results were mixed.

After a 12-month delay, the 12th Solomon Islands national general elections were held on 17 April 2024. For the first time, joint elections were held, with most provincial assemblies and the Honiara City Council also going to the polls. For women, the results were mixed.

World News

Female Representation in Bulgarian Politics Still Low after Latest Elections, Foundation Says

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Female Representation in Bulgarian Politics Still Low after Latest Elections, Foundation Says


Women account for 27% of Bulgaria's new National Assembly (parliament), elected by a snap vote on June 9 and sworn in on June 19. After the European elections, which, in Bulgaria, coincided with the vote for the national legislature, the country sent only four women to the European Parliament, where it has been allocated 17 seats, the Ekaterina Karavelova Foundation says in an analysis published on its website.

The foundation's mission is to encourage women to spearhead the process of transformation in society.

Women account for 27% of Bulgaria's new National Assembly (parliament), elected by a snap vote on June 9 and sworn in on June 19. After the European elections, which, in Bulgaria, coincided with the vote for the national legislature, the country sent only four women to the European Parliament, where it has been allocated 17 seats, the Ekaterina Karavelova Foundation says in an analysis published on its website.

The foundation's mission is to encourage women to spearhead the process of transformation in society.

World News

Female UK election candidates report increased abuse

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Female UK election candidates report increased abuse


Abuse of female election candidates is becoming worse, say candidates, activists and charities.

One female Labour candidate in the north of England said “the harassment continues apace” in the build-up to the election, with online harassment being a particular problem.

Abuse of female election candidates is becoming worse, say candidates, activists and charities.

One female Labour candidate in the north of England said “the harassment continues apace” in the build-up to the election, with online harassment being a particular problem.

World News

Panel highlights media’s role in women’s political visibility

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Panel highlights media’s role in women’s political visibility


The Media Advocacy Group, in collaboration with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), organised a panel discussion titled ‘Visibility of Women Leadership in Media’ on Tuesday, at Yak Palace, Pulchowk. The event followed up on research conducted by a group concerning the representation of women politicians in the media.

The Media Advocacy Group, in collaboration with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), organised a panel discussion titled ‘Visibility of Women Leadership in Media’ on Tuesday, at Yak Palace, Pulchowk. The event followed up on research conducted by a group concerning the representation of women politicians in the media.

World News

General Election 2024: Abuse of women in politics is denial of legitimate presence in political life

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General Election 2024: Abuse of women in politics is denial of legitimate presence in political life


Today’s Guardian report that online harassment against women politicians is intensifying is unsurprising, but it indicates a serious problem in UK democracy. There are two important factors to consider here.

Today’s Guardian report that online harassment against women politicians is intensifying is unsurprising, but it indicates a serious problem in UK democracy. There are two important factors to consider here.

World News

South Africa elections: Women in parliament likely to drop

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South Africa elections: Women in parliament likely to drop


Johannesburg, 31 May: As election results from the 2024 South African elections pour in, Gender Links (GL) predicts a drop in women’s representation in the national assembly of between three and five percentage points.

Johannesburg, 31 May: As election results from the 2024 South African elections pour in, Gender Links (GL) predicts a drop in women’s representation in the national assembly of between three and five percentage points.

World News

First female president is the result of Mexico correcting gender imbalances, Northeastern expert says

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First female president is the result of Mexico correcting gender imbalances, Northeastern expert says


LONDON — Claudia Sheinbaum broke the glass ceiling when she was declared the winner of Mexico’s presidential elections this week.

It is a modern-era feat that eludes Group of Seven powerhouses such as the United States, France and Japan. But Sheinbaum’s decisive victory means Mexico joins the likes of its Latin American compatriots, Argentina and Brazil, in electing a female head of state in the 21st century.

LONDON — Claudia Sheinbaum broke the glass ceiling when she was declared the winner of Mexico’s presidential elections this week.

It is a modern-era feat that eludes Group of Seven powerhouses such as the United States, France and Japan. But Sheinbaum’s decisive victory means Mexico joins the likes of its Latin American compatriots, Argentina and Brazil, in electing a female head of state in the 21st century.