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Turkey Presidential Elections
Turkey Presidential Elections
The first round of presidential elections in Turkey is scheduled to take place on August 10 and the second round on August 24th. Abdullah GUL was the last president elected by members of the…
Parliamentary elections in Slovenia
Parliamentary elections in Slovenia
The election scheduled to take place on July 13th follows the resignation of the centre-left Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek in May after she lost a battle for the leadership of the Positive Slovenia…
Council of Representatives Elections in Libya
Council of Representatives Elections in Libya
On June 25, Libyans return to the polls for the second time this year to elect 200 members to the Council of Representatives (CoR).There are a total of 1,714 candidates registered, including 149…
Presidential Elections in Indonesia
Presidential Elections in Indonesia
Following legislative elections on April 9, Indonesians return to the polls on July 9 to elect a new President. The race between Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo and retired General Prabowo…
Presidential Elections in Egypt
Presidential Elections in Egypt
Egyptians are scheduled to head to polls on 26-27 May to elect a new president for the second time in three years.The official results of the vote will be announced on 5 June. If no candidate…
Presidential and Legislative Elections in Malawi
Presidential and Legislative Elections in Malawi
The May 20 elections are Malawi’s fifth since transitioning to multiparty democracy in 1994.This election carries special significance given the unexpected death of Malawi's President Bingu wa…
Presidential Elections in Algeria
Presidential Elections in Algeria
On April 17, Algerians will elect a President in the country's first post-Arab Spring presidential election.   Out of 39 million Algerian citizens, there are 23 million registered voters…
Presidential Elections in Slovakia
Presidential Elections in Slovakia
Since the "Velvet Divorce" from the Czech Republic just over a decade ago, Slovakia has steadily become stronger economically and politically. On Saturday, March 15, Slovaks will head to the…
2nd Round of Presidential Elections in El Salvador
2nd Round of Presidential Elections in El Salvador
El Salvador's left-wing presidential candidate, Salvador Sánchez Cerén, for the Farabundo Marti Front for National Liberation (FMLN), won 49 percent of the vote, just short of the majority needed to…