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Actions and Policies for Gender Equality
Actions and Policies for Gender Equality
This is a joint initiative of the Government of the Brussels Capital Region, host of the Forum and the Metropolis Women International Network. This women network is a part of Metropolis, the World…
Call for Applications: Nonviolence Education and Training
Call for Applications: Nonviolence Education and Training
Nonviolence Education and Training – NVET Call for Applications for Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, Europe and the Pacific. NVET provides Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) with…
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
By resolution 54/134 of 17 December 1999, the General Assembly designated 25 November as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and invited governments, international…
2nd ADG International Women’s Conference
2nd ADG International Women’s Conference
THEME: Women in Politics and Good Governance Program(Capacity Building for Women's active participation in Peace Building, Leadership and Decision Making Processes)This 3 days conference aims at…
Violence Against Women, The Crime, Context and Concerns
Violence Against Women, The Crime, Context and Concerns
This conference and exhibition will launch the 16 Days of Action against Violence against Women in Kerry. The exhibtion will also be brought to Dingle and Waterville in the ensuing weeks.Speakers:…
Wisconsin Go
Wisconsin Go
Go Run aims to demystify the political process and inspire a richly diverse group of women in to the leadership pipeline. Go Run provides the nuts and bolts of running for political office by…
Call For Papers: Women's Worlds 2008 Conference
Call For Papers: Women's Worlds 2008 Conference
We invite individuals or groups of people, as well as public and private organizations interested in the Congress themes to submit their proposals (in English or Spanish). WWMM08 will be an…
Photo Competition “Violence against Women in the Mediterranean”
Photo Competition “Violence against Women in the Mediterranean”
The Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS) in Cyprus, in cooperation with Antigone (Greece), Heura (Spain), the Alliance for Arab Women (Egypt), and ISIS Center for Women and Development (…
The Women, Faith, and Development: Summit to End Global Poverty
The Women, Faith, and Development: Summit to End Global Poverty
Co-chaired by former Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright and other world leaders, breakthrough will serve as a forum for international leaders from faith communities, governments, donors, and NGOS…