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Call for Applications: International Conference on Gender Responsive Budgeting and Social Justice
Call for Applications: International Conference on Gender Responsive Budgeting and Social Justice
This conference will be held in January 9-11, 2008. The main theme of the conference will be the normative basis for gender budgeting. In addition to the plenary sessions, there will be separate…
Engendering Human Security
Engendering Human Security
Is human security gendered? What are security risks faced by men and women in Asia and how is gender a factor in the response to those risks and threats. Possible areas of discussion are varied but…
Presentation on GID Data Base
Presentation on GID Data Base
InterAction invites you to attend a presentation by Johannes Jutting, Senior Economist at the OECD Development Center. Mr. Jutting is the main author of an innovative data base on gender equality,…
Young Women's Institute on Challenging and Resisting Religious Fundamentalism
Young Women's Institute on Challenging and Resisting Religious Fundamentalism
The Institute is part of AWID's (the Association for Women's Rights in Development) multi-year initiative to create a better understanding of religious fundamentalisms and women's human rights. This…
Building Trust In Our Societies
Building Trust In Our Societies
Our democratic societies have no future without social cohesion and without lasting bonds of trust linking citizens to the system and its institutions. For political leaders, the media, scientists…
Women, Power and the Media
Women, Power and the Media
The main aim of this conference is to bring together studies assessing the (a)symmetrical treatment of female political leaders in the media. The intention is to establish the extent to which gender…
Call for Papers: Conference on Gender Responsive Budgeting
Call for Papers: Conference on Gender Responsive Budgeting
The Nordic Baltic Network for Gender Responsive Budgeting will arrange an international conference on this theme on the10 and 11 January 2008 at the Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania.…
Application Deadline for Nonviolence Education and Training
Application Deadline for Nonviolence Education and Training
Nonviolence training provides Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) with essential peacebuilding skills and concepts. These skills and concepts focus on ways to increase social mobilization and…
Women, Political Participation and Decision Making in Africa
Women, Political Participation and Decision Making in Africa
You are invited to participate in the online discussion on the theme "Women, political participation and decision-making in Africa", which is being organized by the United Nations Division for…