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Call for proposals-Inter-American Development Bank
Call for proposals-Inter-American Development Bank
The Inter-American Development Bank’s (IDB) Program for the Support of Women’s Leadership and Representation(PROLEAD) announces a call for proposals for evaluations that analyze the…
Arab high level conference on Beijing+20: Towards justice and equality for women in the Arab region
Arab high level conference on Beijing+20: Towards justice and equality for women in the Arab region
The regional conference will bring together senior governmental officials, policy makers, and international/regional entities to endorse the conclusions of the Regional Review Report on the…
CSW 59 (Beijing 2015)
CSW 59 (Beijing 2015)
The fifty-ninth session of the Commission on the Status of Women will take place at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 9 to 20 March 2015. Representatives of Member States , UN entities,…
Invisible Women? A Comparison of News Coverage Between Male and Female Candidates in Europe
Invisible Women? A Comparison of News Coverage Between Male and Female Candidates in Europe
30 January 2015 at 10:30IDEA, Strömsborg, SE-103 34 Stockholm, SwedenPresentation to be followed by a question-and-answer sessionLunch and refreshments will be provided aInternational IDEA invites…
Women Deliver Young Leaders Program
Women Deliver Young Leaders Program
The Young Leaders Program is a three-year fellowship program for young people (under the age of 30) who are passionate about sexual and reproductive health and rights. While the total time…
More women in European politics: How can we achieve it?
More women in European politics: How can we achieve it?
Although women make up more than half of the EU’s population, they are still underrepresented in politics. Today 37% of MEPs in the European Parliament are women but this represents an increase of…
The Unfinished Agenda: New England Women's Policy Conference
The Unfinished Agenda: New England Women's Policy Conference
  Register Now!   Friday, November 7, 2014 9 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Reception to follow 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.   John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum,…
Free eCourse: Gender-sensitive Governance: what does it look like and how can we work towards it?
Free eCourse: Gender-sensitive Governance: what does it look like and how can we work towards it?
This free web-based course provides participants with a general grounding in the current concepts of governance from a gender perspective and offers some examples and resources for applying these…
Women PeaceMakers Conference: Defying Extremism
Women PeaceMakers Conference: Defying Extremism
he rise of violent religious extremism and its impact on women and communities worldwide is an urgent and deepening crisis. From Nov. 19-21, the IPJ will convene its 10th international working…