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Women's Contributions to State Building in Kosovo
Women's Contributions to State Building in Kosovo
The National Albanian American Council andThe National Democratic Institutecordially invite you to a panel discussion on   Women's Contributions to State Building in Kosovo Featuring Valbona…
Universities of Bordeaux: Workshop type of the Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3
Universities of Bordeaux: Workshop type of the Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3
L’Atelier Genre de l’Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3 lance une proposition aux collègues et étudiant.e.s des Universités de Bordeaux et des établissements universitaires adhérents du PRESS…
Iron Ladies and Glass Ceilings: Women Politics and the Construction of Gender
Iron Ladies and Glass Ceilings: Women Politics and the Construction of Gender
The Women's Federation and the British Council present "Iron ladies and Glass Ceilings: Women Politics and the Construction of Gender" Speakers Include: Anson Chan, Former Chief Secretary, former…
Second Hemispheric Forum "Women's full citizenship for democracy"
Second Hemispheric Forum "Women's full citizenship for democracy"
From July 18th to 21st 2012, CIM, in collaboration with UN Women and International IDEA, will host its Second Hemispheric Forum "Women's full citizenship for democracy", with the aim of identifying…
Gender Equity in Tibetan Public Affairs: New Thoughts on a Democracy in Progress
Gender Equity in Tibetan Public Affairs: New Thoughts on a Democracy in Progress
The Global Gender Forum presents:   Gender Equity in Tibetan Public Affairs: New Thoughts on a Democracy in Progress   by Dr. B. Tsering Reagan Fascell Democracy Fellow and Member of…
Arab Feminist Knowledge Production Meeting
Arab Feminist Knowledge Production Meeting
What are we calling for exactly? Young women activist, writers and feminists have been setting up alternative electronic media websites/blogs  to provide more critical coverage and point of…
OECD 2012 Social Institutions and Gender Index
OECD 2012 Social Institutions and Gender Index
      The UN Women Research and Data Section is pleased to invite you to a presentation and discussion of the OECD 2012 Social Institutions and Gender Index Thursday 5th July, 2012…
IPU: Regional debate on “Gender-sensitive parliaments”
IPU: Regional debate on “Gender-sensitive parliaments”
REGIONAL DEBATE ON "GENDER-SENSITIVE PARLIAMENTS" Chamber of Deputies Valparaíso, Chile, 11 and 12 July 2012Regional meeting organized by the Chamber of Deputies of Chile and the Inter-Parliamentary…
IPU: The regional debate on gender-sensitive parliaments
IPU: The regional debate on gender-sensitive parliaments
La Chambre des Députés du Chili et l’Union interparlementaire organisent conjointement un débat régional sur les « Parlements sensibles au genre ». Cette réunion aura lieu les 11 et 12 juillet 2012 à…