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Global Summit of Women
Global Summit of Women
The so-called Davos Summit for women, the Global Summit of Women will take place in Istanbul with the participation of Emine Erdoğan, wife of the Turkish prime minister. The Global Summit of Women…
OSCE Human Dimension Seminar
OSCE Human Dimension Seminar
Human Dimension Seminars are organized by the OSCE/ODIHR in accordance with the decisions of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) Summits in Helsinki (1992) and…
Panel: Securing Justice for Women in Conflict States
Panel: Securing Justice for Women in Conflict States
UN Women and the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights is hosting a panel Securing justice for women in post-conflict states on Monday, 2 May 2011, 10:00–13:00, at the United Nations…
At stake in this Referendum: A referendum to adopt an alternative vote (AV) electoral system. Description of government structure: Chief of State: Queen ELIZABETH II  Head of Government:…
European Parliament Public Hearing : A 2020 Perspective for Women in Turkey
European Parliament Public Hearing : A 2020 Perspective for Women in Turkey
On Wednesday afternoon, 20th April, the Women’s Rights Committee organises a public hearing on ‘A 2020 Perspective for Women in Turkey’. There will be two discussion panels, one on‘ 2020 objectives…
Egypt: "Towards a fair representation of women in the elected councils: Proportional representation list system"
Egypt: "Towards a fair representation of women in the elected councils: Proportional representation list system"
The Egyptian Center for Women's Rights will hold a seminar entitled "Towards a fair representation in the Parliament" on Monday, April 4, 2011.  Numerous male and female participants…
NDI: A Discussion With Mu Sochua: A Global Voice For Women in Politics
NDI: A Discussion With Mu Sochua: A Global Voice For Women in Politics
Drawing on her extensive experience working with women in Cambodia and throughout Asia, Cambodian parliamentarian and former cabinet minister Mu Sochua will discuss why politics matter to women…
First Hemispheric Forum: Women's Leadership for A Citizens' Democracy
First Hemispheric Forum: Women's Leadership for A Citizens' Democracy
From April 4th to 6th 2011, CIM and UN Women organized the First Hemispheric Forum on Women's Leadership for a Citizens' Democracy, with the aim of placing women's political rights at the centre of…
encourageXchange EUROPE 2011 WORKSHOP: Securely Exchanging Information through Technology
encourageXchange EUROPE 2011 WORKSHOP: Securely Exchanging Information through Technology
ENCOURAGEXCHANGE  EUROPE 2011  JOIN US IN Krems an der Donau, Austria (a short distance from Vienna) FOR THE WORKSHOP: Securely Exchanging Information through Technology…