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iKNOW Politics E-Discussion Forum on Financing Women in Politics
iKNOW Politics E-Discussion Forum on Financing Women in Politics
We are pleased to launch the third iKNOW Politics E-Discussion Forum on Financing Women in Politics to be held from October 22-29, 2008.The E-discussion aims to address the financing of women in…
iKNOW Politics Workshop on Women in Politics: Overcoming Barriers to Participation
iKNOW Politics Workshop on Women in Politics: Overcoming Barriers to Participation
As part of the new emphasis on experts dialogue, iKNOW Politics will hold a workshop in Oslo from November 4-5 2008, hosted by the UNDP Oslo Governance Centre. The workshop will include six thematic…
Mining, Gender and Sustainable Livelihood
Mining, Gender and Sustainable Livelihood
This two-day international workshop asks what are the evidences for and against integrating gender in the concerns of the large-scale industries? What is the case for gender mainstreaming in the…
Monitoring of civil society over international and national commitments of the Kyrgyz Republic on achieving gender equality
Monitoring of civil society over international and national commitments of the Kyrgyz Republic on achieving gender equality
UNDP Kyrgyzstan will hold a conference on “Monitoring of civil society over international and national commitments of the Kyrgyz Republic on achieving gender equality”.Objective of the conference:…
Canada: "Take our Girls to Vote" Campaign
Canada: "Take our Girls to Vote" Campaign
Equal Voice is pleased to launch a new campaign entitled “Take our Girls to Vote”. Along with partners from The Dominion Institute, Girl Guides of Canada, TakingITGlobal, Student Vote, and YWCA…
Call for Papers:
Call for Papers:
The next meeting of the LACEA/ IADB/ WB/ UNDP Network on Inequality and Poverty (NIP) will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil at the Department of Economics at PUC-RJ on November 19, 2008.The NIP is…
Gender and Media Literacy Course
Gender and Media Literacy Course
Gender Links and the Gender and Media Diversity Centre (GMDC) is offering a Gender and Media Literacy course, which is "based on the general principles of media literacy: that any citizen in today’s…
Media Strategies Workshop for Organisational Sustainability
Media Strategies Workshop for Organisational Sustainability
This 1-day workshop is intended for organisations who wish to improve their media and marketing strategies. According to the organisers, the workshop will provide participants with training and…
Training: Go Run
Training: Go Run
Go Run is a weekend long training dedicated to equipping you, the future candidate, with the skills to run and win. The training aims to demystify the political process and inspire a richly diverse…