Call for Applications by the South Asia Women’s Fund
South Asia Women’s Fund is committed to supporting women’s organizations and activists working towards realizing women’s human rights in the South Asian region. Through its grant making portfolios, SAWF provides access to resources for women-led interventions in Bangladesh, Nepal, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, with a special focus on critical issues, disadvantaged and marginalized women, working within difficult contexts and circumstances.
The call for applications is open from 1st June – 30th June 2016. Applicants are invited to apply under any of the following themes:
1. Strengthening Feminist Voices, USD 1000-10,000
2. Right to Safe and Secure Mobility, USD 5000-10,000
3. Right to Physical Integrity and Decision-making, USD 5000-7,500
4. Access to Justice, USD 1000-5000
Click here for more details.
Bangladesh, Nepal, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

Bangladesh, Nepal, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.