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Call for Articles - Gender & Development Journal



Call for Articles - Gender & Development Journal

Call for Articles - Gender & Development Journal
Oxfam's Gender & Development journal is accepting proposals for its November 2008 issue. The issue will focus on Gender, Development and Leadership:
· What concrete strategies are being tried in different contexts worldwide, to promote and support women leaders in economic, political and social institutions - including states, financial institutions, community institutions, and the household?
· Do women leaders make a difference in terms of gender equality outcomes, and pro-poor outcomes? How can women leaders with progressive agendas be supported? What attracts women to conservative or fundamentalist political groupings?
· What else needs to change to ensure the specific interests of women living in poverty are reflected and met?
· What should the role of development organisations be in supporting women's leadership? What are the challenges?
Gender & Development provides an opportunity for all involved in development (researchers, practitioners, policy-makers, activists, etc) who uphold gender equality and women's rights to reflect on their work and share learning. The journal is published three times each year and each issue focuses on a particular in gender and development.
If you are interested in writing for this issue exploring any of the above or related themes, please send a paragraph outlining your proposed idea to by February 7, 2008. Visit for more information.
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