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Call for Papers:Women and Political Leadership Research Conference



Call for Papers:Women and Political Leadership Research Conference

This conference will take place in April of 2008 and will provide an exciting forum for advanced graduate students, junior faculty, and senior scholars to begin to address how differences and commonalities among women inform political leadership.
The conference is looking for papers that examine six broad areas of differences between women and the significance of those differences on women’s access to and execution of positions of political leadership, including: (1) What is the utility of intersectionality as a conceptual model for theorizing women’s political leadership; (2) Cross-national comparisons (3) U.S. Regional (South, Northeast, Mid-West, Southwest, and West) and Locale (rural, ex-urban, suburban, and urban) comparisons; (4) race and ethnicity; (5) sexuality and sexual orientation and identity; and (6) ideology and religion.
Abstracts of 200-250 words should be e-mailed to by September 10, 2007. Conference participants will be selected by mid-November.
For more information, please contact the Women & Politics Institute’s Associate Director, Sarah E. Brewer, Ph.D., at or (202) 885-3103.
Contact: Sarah E. Brewer, Ph.D.
Phone: 202-885-3103
For more information, please visit