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Congressional Caucus for Women's Issues and Women's Policy Gala



Congressional Caucus for Women's Issues and Women's Policy Gala

The 2009 Congressional Gala to welcome a record number of Members, honor the Caucus co-chairs and announce the legislative priorities for the 111th Congress. Among this year's agenda items are women's health and medical research legislation. Scheduled speakers include the Caucus co-chairs, Congresswomen Schakowsky and Fallin.

Women's Policy, Inc. works to ensure that the most informed decisions on key women’s issues are made by policymakers at the federal, state and local levels. More information is online at Tickets for the gala may be purchased by contacting Women's Policy, Inc. at (202) 554-2323.

The reception and dinner are open to registered members of the media. Please RSVP by Friday, February 27, to Jennifer Moire at 202.306.1713 or