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Money Matters: Female Parliamentarians and Domestic Financing for an Equal Post-2015 Agenda



Money Matters: Female Parliamentarians and Domestic Financing for an Equal Post-2015 Agenda


The United Nation's Third International Conference on Financing for Development is around the corner (13 - 16 July).



In line with the overarching topics of the Conference, such as the emerging Post-2015 Financing for Development consensus and the next generation of development objectives (the Sustainable Development Goals), the side-event organized by the Women in Parliaments Global Forum, the National Democratic Institute, and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa will discuss how domestic domestic resource mobilization can play an important role in achieving gender equality and women's empowerment.

The session is aimed at women parliamentarians and will offer an interactive Q&A section. The outcomes of this session will feed into a toolkit to guide female parliamentarians in their work on national resource mobilization, also in the context of the financing agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals.

For more information click here




Elilly International Hotel Guinea Conakry St. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Elilly International Hotel Guinea Conakry St. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


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