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The Women, Religion and Globalization Fellowship



The Women, Religion and Globalization Fellowship

The Women, Religion and Globalization Project at Yale University invites applications for a two fellows for the spring term January-May, 2009. The Religion and International Affairs Fellow: a professional working on policy issues in two of three arenas: women, religion, and international affairs. The Women Living Religion Fellow: a grassroots practitioner involved with issues related to women and globalization, e.g., working with NGOs, religious organizations, development initiatives or social movements.
The Women, Religion and Globalization Project explores the interaction between women’s religious practices and political, economic and social developments in the global arena. The project seeks to help policy analysts and scholars learn to see women practicing religion as politically significant agents.
Applicants should submit a cover letter, name and contact information of two references, CV, and a statement. The statement should say how the three components of the project, women, religion and globalization, intersect in their current work and how they expect that they will intersect in the future (maximum of 750 words).
More information about the project is available at