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Workshop - Promoting and Strengthening Research Skills



Workshop - Promoting and Strengthening Research Skills

This workshop is a collaborative activity between the SVRI, the Global Forum for Health Research and the FRONTIERS program of Population Council.
To strengthen research capacity among SVRI members to develop evidence based, locally relevant research agendas in the area of sexual violence, and to promote research on sexual violence through the creation of regional research networks and research proposals.
• To review findings of SVRI commissioned desk reviews on women’s responses to sexual violence and medico-legal responses to sexual violence • Identify gaps and regional research priorities with a view to formulating an emerging research agenda;
• To promote the creation of local research networks informed by evidence based regionally relevant research priorities;
• To strengthen research capacity among workshop participants with particular emphasis on formulating policy relevant research questions, developing research proposals that meet ethical guidelines and creating research teams and networks.
Day 1: Women’s Responses: key findings of desk review; emerging research agenda; invited relevant research presentations;
Day 2: Medico-legal Responses: key findings of desk review; emerging research agenda; invited relevant research presentations;
Day 3: Identification of a researchable problem that addresses the research agenda of the SVRI; statement of research questions and presentation of the research proposal after group work;
Day 4: Elements of a good proposal (including intervention study); a session on selected methodologies
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