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The Green Ecologist Party of Mexico organized the forum "Women, progress and challenges in politics"

World News

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The Green Ecologist Party of Mexico organized the forum "Women, progress and challenges in politics"


Mexican environmentalists organized a forum entitled "Women, progress and challenges in politics", with the purpose of developing the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition to this main objective, the Forum aims to also address other issues such as proper compliance with the General Law on Women's Access to a Life Free of Violence, developing general policies for the empowerment of women -educativas, health , economic ... - and promote women's leadership in institutions and political associations.

In the words of Ricardo Astudillo, Federal Deputy and member of the Ecologist Green Party of Mexico, "progress has been normatively in adapting our legislation to the reality of our country and the greater involvement and participation of women in politics municipal, state and national level however there is much to do, many cultural barriers in different municipalities and regions that must be overcome so that equality a reality both in elected office, such as administrative charges of first and second level. "

Mexican environmentalists organized a forum entitled "Women, progress and challenges in politics", with the purpose of developing the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition to this main objective, the Forum aims to also address other issues such as proper compliance with the General Law on Women's Access to a Life Free of Violence, developing general policies for the empowerment of women -educativas, health , economic ... - and promote women's leadership in institutions and political associations.

In the words of Ricardo Astudillo, Federal Deputy and member of the Ecologist Green Party of Mexico, "progress has been normatively in adapting our legislation to the reality of our country and the greater involvement and participation of women in politics municipal, state and national level however there is much to do, many cultural barriers in different municipalities and regions that must be overcome so that equality a reality both in elected office, such as administrative charges of first and second level. "