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World News

Nigeria: NGO laments inadequate publicity for women politicians, others

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Nigeria: NGO laments inadequate publicity for women politicians, others


The CEO Women Radio, a non-governmental organization, Toun Okewale Sonaiya, has lamented that female politicians and leaders are not given the adequate media coverage as their male counterparts.

This was part of the submission at a two-day media training for political reporters organized by the Women Radio with support from United Nations Women and the Government of Canada held in Ilorin, the Kwara state capital, Thursday. 

The CEO Women Radio, a non-governmental organization, Toun Okewale Sonaiya, has lamented that female politicians and leaders are not given the adequate media coverage as their male counterparts.

This was part of the submission at a two-day media training for political reporters organized by the Women Radio with support from United Nations Women and the Government of Canada held in Ilorin, the Kwara state capital, Thursday. 

World News

Women leaders present a gender-responsive constitutional vision to representatives of the international community

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Women leaders present a gender-responsive constitutional vision to representatives of the international community


Forty women from civil society organizations, women’s groups, political parties, armed movements, and academia came together over two weeks and produced a joint gender-responsive constitutional vision in a series of workshops organized by UNITAMS in close collaboration with UNDP.

Forty women from civil society organizations, women’s groups, political parties, armed movements, and academia came together over two weeks and produced a joint gender-responsive constitutional vision in a series of workshops organized by UNITAMS in close collaboration with UNDP.

World News

Peru's president Pedro Castillo has named Betssy Chavez as the new prime minister

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Peru's president Pedro Castillo has named Betssy Chavez as the new prime minister


The former culture minister replaces Aníbal Torres, who resigned after losing the confidence of the Andean parliament.

The former culture minister replaces Aníbal Torres, who resigned after losing the confidence of the Andean parliament.

In Southeast Asia, violence against female political leaders is rising

November 28, 2022

In Southeast Asia, violence against female political leaders is rising

'Far too little attention has been paid to either the obstacles women face once they achieve positions of political leadership or the reasons why they leave politics.'

'Far too little attention has been paid to either the obstacles women face once they achieve positions of political leadership or the reasons why they leave politics.'

Ten women in politics you should probably know about it

November 25, 2022

Ten women in politics you should probably know about it

Love it or loathe it, politics is a completely unavoidable part of life, especially living here in the UK, where politicians and their various flaws and virtues seem to fuel daily headlines.

Love it or loathe it, politics is a completely unavoidable part of life, especially living here in the UK, where politicians and their various flaws and virtues seem to fuel daily headlines.

World News

Violence against women parliamentarians: Causes, effects, solutions

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Violence against women parliamentarians: Causes, effects, solutions


Women account for just over 26% of parliamentarians worldwide according to the IPU’s latest figures. Despite progress made in recent years, significant obstacles continue to block their path to parity with their male counterparts. One of the biggest obstacles is sexism, harassment and gender-based violence.

Women account for just over 26% of parliamentarians worldwide according to the IPU’s latest figures. Despite progress made in recent years, significant obstacles continue to block their path to parity with their male counterparts. One of the biggest obstacles is sexism, harassment and gender-based violence.

Voices of women and girls essential to fight for human rights

November 25, 2022

Voices of women and girls essential to fight for human rights

“Around the world, we see stigmatization, harassment and outright attacks used to silence and discredit women who are outspoken as leaders, community workers, human rights defenders and politicians,” said Peggy Hicks, Director of the Thematic Engagement, Special Proce

“Around the world, we see stigmatization, harassment and outright attacks used to silence and discredit women who are outspoken as leaders, community workers, human rights defenders and politicians,” said Peggy Hicks, Director of the Thematic Engagement, Special Proce

The blame game: Analyzing gender bias in Danish local elections

November 25, 2022

The blame game: Analyzing gender bias in Danish local elections

Diagnosing women’s under-representation in electoral politics often involves a “blame game,” seeking to identify the primary factor responsible for depressing the share of women among candidates as well as elected officials.

Diagnosing women’s under-representation in electoral politics often involves a “blame game,” seeking to identify the primary factor responsible for depressing the share of women among candidates as well as elected officials.

World News

LDP North Macedonia elects Monika Zajkova as first female leader

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LDP North Macedonia elects Monika Zajkova as first female leader


Monika Zajkova was elected as the new party leader of LDP, ALDE Party member party in North Macedonia, at the party’s 8th National Congress held under the slogan "United, brave, loud!" on Sunday 20 November in Skopje.

Monika Zajkova was elected as the new party leader of LDP, ALDE Party member party in North Macedonia, at the party’s 8th National Congress held under the slogan "United, brave, loud!" on Sunday 20 November in Skopje.

Ireland: Women's voices in the Council's Chamber

November 24, 2022

Ireland: Women's voices in the Council's Chamber

UCC research, carried out on behalf of Cork City Council’s Women’s Caucus, has recommended that gender quota legislation be introduced before the next local government elections to help increase the number of female councillors around the country. 

UCC research, carried out on behalf of Cork City Council’s Women’s Caucus, has recommended that gender quota legislation be introduced before the next local government elections to help increase the number of female councillors around the country.