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World News

Welsh Government to press ahead with plans to increase Senedd members

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Welsh Government to press ahead with plans to increase Senedd members


The Welsh Government is to press ahead with plans to increase the number of Senedd members despite opposition from senior Conservatives.

The reforms, proposed by Labour and Plaid Cymru as part of a co-operation agreement, would see the number of members increase from 60 to 96.

Currently the Senedd remains smaller than its other devolved counterparts with the Scottish Parliament having 129 members and the Northern Ireland Assembly having 90.

The Welsh Government is to press ahead with plans to increase the number of Senedd members despite opposition from senior Conservatives.

The reforms, proposed by Labour and Plaid Cymru as part of a co-operation agreement, would see the number of members increase from 60 to 96.

Currently the Senedd remains smaller than its other devolved counterparts with the Scottish Parliament having 129 members and the Northern Ireland Assembly having 90.

World News

Sultanate’s first female minister in Brunei’s new cabinet

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Sultanate’s first female minister in Brunei’s new cabinet


BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN — His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan of Brunei Darussalam announced the reshuffle, retaining and appointment of several new Cabinet ministers on Tuesday.

The monarch also announced the appointment of the Sultanate’s first female minister during a titah broadcast live on Radio Television Brunei (RTB).

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN — His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan of Brunei Darussalam announced the reshuffle, retaining and appointment of several new Cabinet ministers on Tuesday.

The monarch also announced the appointment of the Sultanate’s first female minister during a titah broadcast live on Radio Television Brunei (RTB).

World News

Nicola Sturgeon says social media abuse putting women off political career

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Nicola Sturgeon says social media abuse putting women off political career


Nicola Sturgeon has opened up about the challenges of being a woman in politics and warned social media abuse is starting to put women off.

Speaking at the Hay Festival in Hay-On-Wye, Wales, on Friday, the first minister shared some of the double standards she has faced in her political career.

In the interview by BBC journalist Katya Adler, Ms Sturgeon said social media has made it easier for trolls to abuse female politicians.

Nicola Sturgeon has opened up about the challenges of being a woman in politics and warned social media abuse is starting to put women off.

Speaking at the Hay Festival in Hay-On-Wye, Wales, on Friday, the first minister shared some of the double standards she has faced in her political career.

In the interview by BBC journalist Katya Adler, Ms Sturgeon said social media has made it easier for trolls to abuse female politicians.

How autocrats use women’s rights to boost themselves

June 8, 2022

How autocrats use women’s rights to boost themselves

Automatically bundling equality and democracy has led to the rise of “genderwashing”.

Automatically bundling equality and democracy has led to the rise of “genderwashing”.


World News

Pakistan: NCSW holds consultation on women participation in elections

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Pakistan: NCSW holds consultation on women participation in elections


Islamabad: Women have been considered as a passive vote bank and political parties tend to use them mostly for representative functions at public gathering, meetings and campaigns.

This was stated by Chairperson National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW) Nilofar Bakhiar at a consultative meeting on women's effective participation in the political process organised by the Commission on Monday.

Islamabad: Women have been considered as a passive vote bank and political parties tend to use them mostly for representative functions at public gathering, meetings and campaigns.

This was stated by Chairperson National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW) Nilofar Bakhiar at a consultative meeting on women's effective participation in the political process organised by the Commission on Monday.

How local female politicians are keeping Tunisian democracy alive

June 7, 2022

How local female politicians are keeping Tunisian democracy alive

President Kaïs Saïed is in the process of wiping out hard-won democratic rights in Tunisia.

President Kaïs Saïed is in the process of wiping out hard-won democratic rights in Tunisia.

Are large donor networks still needed to win in a fairer election system?

June 3, 2022

Are large donor networks still needed to win in a fairer election system?

Chan is a research associate at RepresentWomen with a focus on ranked-choice voting.

Chan is a research associate at RepresentWomen with a focus on ranked-choice voting.

World News

Liberia: Weah’s CDC adopts 40% women quota

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Liberia: Weah’s CDC adopts 40% women quota


The Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) of President George Weah has adopted a resolution that would force the party to have more women in leadership positions.

The party, which is celebrating its 17th anniversary, reached a general consensus on the long-sought measure —  that has now been claimed as an enshrined policy decision for all of its internal and external democratic processes. 

The Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) of President George Weah has adopted a resolution that would force the party to have more women in leadership positions.

The party, which is celebrating its 17th anniversary, reached a general consensus on the long-sought measure —  that has now been claimed as an enshrined policy decision for all of its internal and external democratic processes. 

Australia: Our new parliament will have record numbers of women – will this finally make it a safe place to work?

June 3, 2022

Australia: Our new parliament will have record numbers of women – will this finally make it a safe place to work?

The 2022 federal election was a win for women candidates, and a historic moment in Australia’s journey towards a parliament that truly endorses and promotes gender equali

The 2022 federal election was a win for women candidates, and a historic moment in Australia’s journey towards a parliament that truly endorses and promotes gender equali