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World News

Gen Z and millennial conservatives seek to recruit and mentor young, diverse candidates

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Gen Z and millennial conservatives seek to recruit and mentor young, diverse candidates


When Roxy Ndebumadu, a Black conservative woman, ran for city council in Bowie, Maryland, at age 26, it was hard to find mentorship from elected officials of similar backgrounds. "My, I guess you would say, makeup is very unique," Ndebumadu told CNN.

When Roxy Ndebumadu, a Black conservative woman, ran for city council in Bowie, Maryland, at age 26, it was hard to find mentorship from elected officials of similar backgrounds. "My, I guess you would say, makeup is very unique," Ndebumadu told CNN.

World News

Senator Dadu’ut decries low women participation in Nigerian politics

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Senator Dadu’ut decries low women participation in Nigerian politics


The Senator representing Plateau South Professor Nora Ladi Dadu’ut has decried the number women in active politics and elective positions in Nigeria saying women need more sensitization to take their rightful place in politics and in government.
The Senator representing Plateau South Professor Nora Ladi Dadu’ut has decried the number women in active politics and elective positions in Nigeria saying women need more sensitization to take their rightful place in politics and in government.

World News

In Scotland, all-male council urges women to stand for election

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In Scotland, all-male council urges women to stand for election


A Scottish council which has no female councillors hopes to encourage more women to stand in next May's local government elections. In the last elections in 2017, for the first time in its history, no women were elected to the Western Isles' Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.

A Scottish council which has no female councillors hopes to encourage more women to stand in next May's local government elections. In the last elections in 2017, for the first time in its history, no women were elected to the Western Isles' Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.

World News

In Australia, one of NSW's youngest female politicians calls for diversity as she enters local government

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In Australia, one of NSW's youngest female politicians calls for diversity as she enters local government


A sea of change is washing across New South Wales local government as more women and young people take up seats as councillors. Until recently, 22-year-old Imogen Draisma could not see herself reflected in the local council running her home city of Kiama, in the Illawarra.

"My ideas and [I] were not represented by the people that were purporting to represent me," Cr Draisma said.

A sea of change is washing across New South Wales local government as more women and young people take up seats as councillors. Until recently, 22-year-old Imogen Draisma could not see herself reflected in the local council running her home city of Kiama, in the Illawarra.

"My ideas and [I] were not represented by the people that were purporting to represent me," Cr Draisma said.

World News

Botswana: journos drilled on women in politics media coverage

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Botswana: journos drilled on women in politics media coverage


Democracy Works Foundation (DWF) in conjunction with Botswana Editors Forum Botswana recently held a two-day workshop to train journalists on how media can play a supportive role in advancing meaningful participation of women in politics.

Currently DWF is implementing a year-long program in Botswana geared towards the advancement and development of women in politics.

Democracy Works Foundation (DWF) in conjunction with Botswana Editors Forum Botswana recently held a two-day workshop to train journalists on how media can play a supportive role in advancing meaningful participation of women in politics.

Currently DWF is implementing a year-long program in Botswana geared towards the advancement and development of women in politics.

World News

Ten steps closer to parity: wins for women in 2021

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Ten steps closer to parity: wins for women in 2021


In just two years, the pandemic has threatened decades worth of progress towards gender equality. As of December 2020, women suffered a net loss of over 5 million jobs due to COVID-19; in 2021, one in three women reported that they may end up downshifting their careers or leaving the workforce entirely if conditions don’t improve in the United States.

In just two years, the pandemic has threatened decades worth of progress towards gender equality. As of December 2020, women suffered a net loss of over 5 million jobs due to COVID-19; in 2021, one in three women reported that they may end up downshifting their careers or leaving the workforce entirely if conditions don’t improve in the United States.

RepresentWomen's Arab State Brief

December 24, 2021

RepresentWomen's Arab State Brief

RepresentWomen's Arab State Brief reviews the extent to which women are represented in Arab countries, the history of Arab independence and revolutions - and their impact on women's rights and representation; and country-specific information that covers the history of

RepresentWomen's Arab State Brief reviews the extent to which women are represented in Arab countries, the history of Arab independence and revolutions - and their impact on women's rights and representation; and country-specific information that covers the history of