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Why did it take so long to vote a woman into the White House?

November 13, 2020

Why did it take so long to vote a woman into the White House?

To me, the banner story of this election season was not Joe Biden’s victory. It was the history-making of vice president-elect Kamala Harris.

To me, the banner story of this election season was not Joe Biden’s victory. It was the history-making of vice president-elect Kamala Harris.

The Reykjavik Index for Leadership 2020/2021

November 13, 2020

The Reykjavik Index for Leadership 2020/2021

Women Political Leaders and Kantar came together in 2018 to create the Reykjavík Index for Leadership– the first measure of perceptions of women and men in terms of their suitability for leadership.

Women Political Leaders and Kantar came together in 2018 to create the Reykjavík Index for Leadership– the first measure of perceptions of women and men in terms of their suitability for leadership.

World News

Prominent Libyan lawyer Hanan al-Barassi gunned down in Benghazi

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Prominent Libyan lawyer Hanan al-Barassi gunned down in Benghazi


Libya's UN-backed Government of National Accord has condemned the killing of prominent Libyan lawyer and women's rights activist Hanan al-Barassi, who was gunned down by armed men Tuesday in the eastern city of Benghazi.

Her killing in Benghazi, which falls under the control of the Libyan National Army (LNA), came just a day after she shared comments on social media criticizing the son of renegade military general and LNA leader Khalifa Haftar.

Libya's UN-backed Government of National Accord has condemned the killing of prominent Libyan lawyer and women's rights activist Hanan al-Barassi, who was gunned down by armed men Tuesday in the eastern city of Benghazi.

Her killing in Benghazi, which falls under the control of the Libyan National Army (LNA), came just a day after she shared comments on social media criticizing the son of renegade military general and LNA leader Khalifa Haftar.

World News

The U.N. Security Council defeated a Russian resolution promoting women at peace tables

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The U.N. Security Council defeated a Russian resolution promoting women at peace tables


The U.N. Security Council defeated a Russian resolution Friday to commemorate the 20th anniversary of a U.N. measure demanding equal participation for women in activities promoting global peace, with opponents objecting to its failure to adequately address human rights and the key role of civil society in pushing for gender equality.

The email vote on the resolution was 5-0, with 10 countries abstaining, far less than the minimum nine “yes” votes required for adoption.

The U.N. Security Council defeated a Russian resolution Friday to commemorate the 20th anniversary of a U.N. measure demanding equal participation for women in activities promoting global peace, with opponents objecting to its failure to adequately address human rights and the key role of civil society in pushing for gender equality.

The email vote on the resolution was 5-0, with 10 countries abstaining, far less than the minimum nine “yes” votes required for adoption.

World News

Who is Priyanca Radhakrishnan? New Zealand’s first Indian-origin minister

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Who is Priyanca Radhakrishnan? New Zealand’s first Indian-origin minister


Priyanca Radhakrishnan was appointed as New Zealand’s first-ever Indian-origin minister today, November 2. Radhakrishnan is one of the five new members that Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has brought into her executive. She will manage the following portfolios: Minister for Diversity, Inclusion and Ethnic Communities, Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector, and Associate Minister for Social Development and Employment. Forty-one-year-old Radhakrishnan is all set to be sworn in on Friday, November 6.

Personal Life And Education

Priyanca Radhakrishnan was appointed as New Zealand’s first-ever Indian-origin minister today, November 2. Radhakrishnan is one of the five new members that Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has brought into her executive. She will manage the following portfolios: Minister for Diversity, Inclusion and Ethnic Communities, Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector, and Associate Minister for Social Development and Employment. Forty-one-year-old Radhakrishnan is all set to be sworn in on Friday, November 6.

Personal Life And Education

World News

Despite more women leaders, society thinks men are more suitable in leadership roles, study finds

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Despite more women leaders, society thinks men are more suitable in leadership roles, study finds


A new study conducted by Women Political Leaders and Kantar, the creators of The Reykjavik Index for Leadership, shows inequality persists in how society views leadership. The study found that despite global movements calling for greater equality, society has not become more progressive over the past year in its attitudes towards women leaders.

A new study conducted by Women Political Leaders and Kantar, the creators of The Reykjavik Index for Leadership, shows inequality persists in how society views leadership. The study found that despite global movements calling for greater equality, society has not become more progressive over the past year in its attitudes towards women leaders.


World News

'You can't be what you can't see': Female politicians of color discuss what Harris' win means to them

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'You can't be what you can't see': Female politicians of color discuss what Harris' win means to them


The ascension of Kamala Harris as the first female, first Black and first South Asian vice president-elect is both symbolic and important to many women across the United States, and several female politicians of color expressed on CNN Sunday morning what it meant to them.

The ascension of Kamala Harris as the first female, first Black and first South Asian vice president-elect is both symbolic and important to many women across the United States, and several female politicians of color expressed on CNN Sunday morning what it meant to them.

World News

How many female world leaders are there?

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How many female world leaders are there?


Incumbent prime minister Jacinda Ardern has won a historic victory after New Zealand headed to the ballot boxes.

Incumbent prime minister Jacinda Ardern has won a historic victory after New Zealand headed to the ballot boxes.