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World News

Bolivian interim President Anez withdraws from election race

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Bolivian interim President Anez withdraws from election race


Bolivia's interim President Jeanine Anez has said she will not run in the country's election next month, in an attempt to unify votes against the MAS party of former leader Evo Morales.

Anez, a former conservative senator, took office in the power vacuum that followed Morales's departure last year after allegations of irregularities in an October 2019 election that sparked violent protests and army pressure forced Bolivia's first Indigenous president to go into exile in Mexico.

Bolivia's interim President Jeanine Anez has said she will not run in the country's election next month, in an attempt to unify votes against the MAS party of former leader Evo Morales.

Anez, a former conservative senator, took office in the power vacuum that followed Morales's departure last year after allegations of irregularities in an October 2019 election that sparked violent protests and army pressure forced Bolivia's first Indigenous president to go into exile in Mexico.

World News

UN General Assembly 75: In a Pandemic World, Where Does Gender Equality Fit In?

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UN General Assembly 75: In a Pandemic World, Where Does Gender Equality Fit In?


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to hold the world hostage, global leaders will gather at the largest annual inter-governmental meeting for the first time ever in a virtual session.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to hold the world hostage, global leaders will gather at the largest annual inter-governmental meeting for the first time ever in a virtual session.

World News

Election 2020 in Ghana: Dawn of new era for women in politics

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Election 2020 in Ghana: Dawn of new era for women in politics


The Network for Women’s Rights in Ghana (NETRIGHT), the Domestic Violence Coalition (DV Coalition) and the Women’s Manifesto Coalition (WMC) have congratulated Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings and Brigitte Dzogbenuku following their selection as presidential candidates of the National Democratic Party (NDP) and the Progressive Peoples’ Party (PPP) respectively in the 2020 national elections.

The Network for Women’s Rights in Ghana (NETRIGHT), the Domestic Violence Coalition (DV Coalition) and the Women’s Manifesto Coalition (WMC) have congratulated Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings and Brigitte Dzogbenuku following their selection as presidential candidates of the National Democratic Party (NDP) and the Progressive Peoples’ Party (PPP) respectively in the 2020 national elections.

‘If not now, when?’: Black women seize political spotlight

September 17, 2020

‘If not now, when?’: Black women seize political spotlight

 The little girl ran up to her, wide-eyed and giddy.

“Are you Charisse Davis?” the fourth grader asked.

 The little girl ran up to her, wide-eyed and giddy.

“Are you Charisse Davis?” the fourth grader asked.

World News

Why women are insignificantly represented in Nigeria’s political structures —Tallen

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Why women are insignificantly represented in Nigeria’s political structures —Tallen


Nigerian women have therefore over the years become targets of violence of diverse forms based on their positions in promoting transformative politics. The minister of Women Affairs and Social Development, Dame Pauline Tallen said a sexist and patronage-based political culture, combined with gendered economic and household inequalities, are some of the barriers to women’s participation in governance. She said the ministry is fully committed to ensuring that women participate not only in national development but in all facets of life.

Nigerian women have therefore over the years become targets of violence of diverse forms based on their positions in promoting transformative politics. The minister of Women Affairs and Social Development, Dame Pauline Tallen said a sexist and patronage-based political culture, combined with gendered economic and household inequalities, are some of the barriers to women’s participation in governance. She said the ministry is fully committed to ensuring that women participate not only in national development but in all facets of life.

Pandemics, politics and the impact of women in leadership roles

September 16, 2020

Pandemics, politics and the impact of women in leadership roles

Despite enormous strides in business, government and other areas, women don’t always get the respect men do for their leadership abilities, even when they can boast greater accomplishments.

Despite enormous strides in business, government and other areas, women don’t always get the respect men do for their leadership abilities, even when they can boast greater accomplishments.

Governance Statistics in the COVID-19 Era: A Praia City Group Guidance Note

September 16, 2020

Governance Statistics in the COVID-19 Era: A Praia City Group Guidance Note

This Guidance Note builds on the detailed recommendations made in the first ever global, member-state led Handbook on Governance Statistics published in early 2020 by the Praia Group on Governance Statistics.

This Guidance Note builds on the detailed recommendations made in the first ever global, member-state led Handbook on Governance Statistics published in early 2020 by the Praia Group on Governance Statistics.
