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Women in Politics in the US: Three good signs we're closing the gender gap

August 17, 2020

Women in Politics in the US: Three good signs we're closing the gender gap

The country is rightly talking about Kamala Harris.

The country is rightly talking about Kamala Harris.

Barriers to women’s political participation In South Asia: Money, muscle & misogyny

August 17, 2020

Barriers to women’s political participation In South Asia: Money, muscle & misogyny

“What according to you is the biggest barrier to women’s political participation ?” To this question, 68 percent participants voted patr

“What according to you is the biggest barrier to women’s political participation ?” To this question, 68 percent participants voted patr

World News

Coronavirus: The African Women Leaders Network – a movement for the transformation of Africa

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Coronavirus: The African Women Leaders Network – a movement for the transformation of Africa


The year 2020 began on a high note for the African Women Leaders Network (AWLN). As the world was preparing to mark 25 years since the Fourth World Conference on Women, AWLN sought to commemorate the anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action with the launch of 25 National Chapters across Africa.

The year 2020 began on a high note for the African Women Leaders Network (AWLN). As the world was preparing to mark 25 years since the Fourth World Conference on Women, AWLN sought to commemorate the anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action with the launch of 25 National Chapters across Africa.


World News

Women rally across Belarus as thousands detained in post-election protests

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Women rally across Belarus as thousands detained in post-election protests


Hundreds of women rallied across the capital of Belarus on Wednesday to protest a brutal police crackdown that has left hundreds injured and thousands detained while challenging election results extending the 26-year rule of the country's authoritarian leader.

Hundreds of women rallied across the capital of Belarus on Wednesday to protest a brutal police crackdown that has left hundreds injured and thousands detained while challenging election results extending the 26-year rule of the country's authoritarian leader.

World News

Belarus: Authorities threatening women political activists ahead of election

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Belarus: Authorities threatening women political activists ahead of election


President Alyaksandr Lukashenka seeking re-election next month for sixth consecutive term.

Activists threatened that their children will be taken into state custody, and with sexual violence.

President Alyaksandr Lukashenka seeking re-election next month for sixth consecutive term.

Activists threatened that their children will be taken into state custody, and with sexual violence.

World News

They might not win, but 3 women are 'giving hope' to Belarus with an unlikely presidential bid

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They might not win, but 3 women are 'giving hope' to Belarus with an unlikely presidential bid


Elections in Belarus are usually a boring, predictable affair.

Elections in Belarus are usually a boring, predictable affair.

World News

Represent: inside a timely film about the tough road women in politics face

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Represent: inside a timely film about the tough road women in politics face


The decision to run for office arrived for Myya Jones in the winter of 2016. She was 22, a campus leader for the Black Student Union at Michigan State University, and determined to change her home town of Detroit for the better. For months, she researched the process of gentrification, which pushed black people out of the neighborhoods where she grew up and went to high school; for months, she waited for a name to support.

The decision to run for office arrived for Myya Jones in the winter of 2016. She was 22, a campus leader for the Black Student Union at Michigan State University, and determined to change her home town of Detroit for the better. For months, she researched the process of gentrification, which pushed black people out of the neighborhoods where she grew up and went to high school; for months, she waited for a name to support.

World News

At least 11 women have vied for U.S. vice president. Here’s what happened to them

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At least 11 women have vied for U.S. vice president. Here’s what happened to them


Biden announced that Kamala Harris would be his running mate in the 2020 presidential election, making Harris, a senator from California, the first Black woman and the first Asian-American woman to run for U.S. vice president on a major party ticket.

Biden announced that Kamala Harris would be his running mate in the 2020 presidential election, making Harris, a senator from California, the first Black woman and the first Asian-American woman to run for U.S. vice president on a major party ticket.

Why increased activism has not translated into global women’s empowerment

August 13, 2020

Why increased activism has not translated into global women’s empowerment

By Pavit Kaur

India has hardly ever seen a purely women-driven movement where women have been the pioneers of a development and have stood up for a cause all by themselves.

By Pavit Kaur

India has hardly ever seen a purely women-driven movement where women have been the pioneers of a development and have stood up for a cause all by themselves.