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Leadership unscripted: Former President Mary Robinson and Halla Tómasdóttir


Leadership unscripted: Former President Mary Robinson and Halla Tómasdóttir

The COVID-19 pandemic is an extraordinary test of leadership, and women in global leadership positions are rising to meet the challenge.


Leadership in crisis: What do we expect from leaders during the Covid-19


Leadership in crisis: What do we expect from leaders during the Covid-19

It’s rapidly becoming clear that Covid-19’s effects are gendered in complex ways, in ways that can either reinforce or challenge existing inequalities

Exclusion or interests? Why females in elected office reduce petty and grand corruption

June 11, 2020

Exclusion or interests? Why females in elected office reduce petty and grand corruption

Disappointed by the numerous failures of anticorruption reforms, international organisations, scholars and policy makers increasingly place their hopes on measures aimed at enhancing gender equality and in particular increasing the inclusion of femal

Disappointed by the numerous failures of anticorruption reforms, international organisations, scholars and policy makers increasingly place their hopes on measures aimed at enhancing gender equality and in particular increasing the inclusion of femal

World News

US: Could coronavirus response affect women’s votes?

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US: Could coronavirus response affect women’s votes?


Deborah Bosner was gobsmacked the first time she tuned into Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine’s near-daily coronavirus briefings and heard his health director, Dr. Amy Acton, speak.

The Upper Arlington business owner spent 13 years working for Battelle and said Acton’s “calm voice” and “digestible explanations” were “just sort of a lighting rod of everything I hold dear in terms of science and evidence-based decision making.”

Deborah Bosner was gobsmacked the first time she tuned into Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine’s near-daily coronavirus briefings and heard his health director, Dr. Amy Acton, speak.

The Upper Arlington business owner spent 13 years working for Battelle and said Acton’s “calm voice” and “digestible explanations” were “just sort of a lighting rod of everything I hold dear in terms of science and evidence-based decision making.”

Is the great woman theory of coronavirus leadership true?

June 10, 2020

Is the great woman theory of coronavirus leadership true?

A couple of days ago, Norway’s Prime Minister, Erna Solberg, was asked why countries with women leaders were having more success combating the coronavirus pandemic than their male counterparts.

A couple of days ago, Norway’s Prime Minister, Erna Solberg, was asked why countries with women leaders were having more success combating the coronavirus pandemic than their male counterparts.

The importance of gender inclusion in COVID-19 responses

June 9, 2020

The importance of gender inclusion in COVID-19 responses

In late January, President Donald Trump announced the formation of a Coronavirus Task Force, mad

In late January, President Donald Trump announced the formation of a Coronavirus Task Force, mad

World News

Ethiopia’s first female president on plans to combat Covid-19 and resuscitate the economy

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Ethiopia’s first female president on plans to combat Covid-19 and resuscitate the economy


Ethiopia’s first female president, Sahle-Work Zewde, spoke to FORBES AFRICA’s Managing Editor, Renuka Methil, on the country’s plans to combat Covid-19 and resuscitate one of the fastest growing economies in Africa.

Zewde, listed as one of Africa’s ‘50 Most Powerful Women’ in the March issue of FORBES AFRICA, says while the virus didn’t warrant the nation going into complete lockdown, it has hit some sectors of the East African country’s economy, affecting its GDP growth.

Ethiopia’s first female president, Sahle-Work Zewde, spoke to FORBES AFRICA’s Managing Editor, Renuka Methil, on the country’s plans to combat Covid-19 and resuscitate one of the fastest growing economies in Africa.

Zewde, listed as one of Africa’s ‘50 Most Powerful Women’ in the March issue of FORBES AFRICA, says while the virus didn’t warrant the nation going into complete lockdown, it has hit some sectors of the East African country’s economy, affecting its GDP growth.

World News

How African feminists are sustaining peace in a pandemic

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How African feminists are sustaining peace in a pandemic


Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, African feminists have been essential in responding with care to the challenges facing their communities.

Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, African feminists have been essential in responding with care to the challenges facing their communities.

World News

Women, disabled and older MPs face ‘discrimination’ when Commons returns

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Women, disabled and older MPs face ‘discrimination’ when Commons returns


Coronavirus has changed everything. Make sense of it all with the Waugh Zone, our evening politics briefing. Sign up now.

MPs “disenfranchised” by the government’s order to return to parliament would be able to sue on grounds of sex, age and disability discrimination in any other workplace, according to new legal advice.

Coronavirus has changed everything. Make sense of it all with the Waugh Zone, our evening politics briefing. Sign up now.

MPs “disenfranchised” by the government’s order to return to parliament would be able to sue on grounds of sex, age and disability discrimination in any other workplace, according to new legal advice.

World News

Imprisoned parliamentarians worldwide at risk from coronavirus

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Imprisoned parliamentarians worldwide at risk from coronavirus


The Inter-Parliamentary Union condemns the imprisonment of 43 Members of Parliament around the world, saying they lack legal recourse to attain justice. The IPU is focusing especially on MPs detained in overcrowded, cramped cells in Venezuela, Ivory Coast and Turkey. The IPU says they are at particular risk of infection from COVID-19 and should be released immediately.

The Inter-Parliamentary Union condemns the imprisonment of 43 Members of Parliament around the world, saying they lack legal recourse to attain justice. The IPU is focusing especially on MPs detained in overcrowded, cramped cells in Venezuela, Ivory Coast and Turkey. The IPU says they are at particular risk of infection from COVID-19 and should be released immediately.