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World News

Votes for women: South Korea's first feminist party seeks parliament seats

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Votes for women: South Korea's first feminist party seeks parliament seats


South Korea is regularly ranked lowest in the developed world for gender equality, but for the first time a feminist party is seeking parliamentary seats at Wednesday’s election, accusing the political establishment of having failed women.

The party was founded last month on International Women’s Day on the back of a surge of anger over the country’s spycam porn epidemic and other crimes, and against a backdrop of an enduring pay gap and employment and childcare issues.

South Korea is regularly ranked lowest in the developed world for gender equality, but for the first time a feminist party is seeking parliamentary seats at Wednesday’s election, accusing the political establishment of having failed women.

The party was founded last month on International Women’s Day on the back of a surge of anger over the country’s spycam porn epidemic and other crimes, and against a backdrop of an enduring pay gap and employment and childcare issues.

World News

Ruth B. Mandel, a voice for women in politics, dies at 81

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Ruth B. Mandel, a voice for women in politics, dies at 81


Ruth B. Mandel was an infant when she and her parents fled Germany on the eve of World War II. They were among the 937 passengers, almost all of them Jewish refugees, aboard the ocean liner St. Louis on what was often called the Voyage of the Damned.

The Nazis had allowed the ship to sail with the expectation that the Jews would never be allowed to disembark — thus, the Nazis claimed, proving Hitler’s point that Jews were unwanted and justifying his persecution of them.

Ruth B. Mandel was an infant when she and her parents fled Germany on the eve of World War II. They were among the 937 passengers, almost all of them Jewish refugees, aboard the ocean liner St. Louis on what was often called the Voyage of the Damned.

The Nazis had allowed the ship to sail with the expectation that the Jews would never be allowed to disembark — thus, the Nazis claimed, proving Hitler’s point that Jews were unwanted and justifying his persecution of them.

World News

Female parliamentarians still face a motherhood penalty, but the evidence globally suggests it can be ended

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Female parliamentarians still face a motherhood penalty, but the evidence globally suggests it can be ended


Why do we still rarely see mothers, especially those with young children, represented in parliament? The rarity of scenes like the one above of women successfully balancing motherhood with a career in politics underscores an observable fact that relatively few members of parliament (MPs) are women with young children. A commonly held belief in many societies is that women who would like to serve in politics, especially those with young children, are heavily disadvantaged.

Why do we still rarely see mothers, especially those with young children, represented in parliament? The rarity of scenes like the one above of women successfully balancing motherhood with a career in politics underscores an observable fact that relatively few members of parliament (MPs) are women with young children. A commonly held belief in many societies is that women who would like to serve in politics, especially those with young children, are heavily disadvantaged.

World News

Women are on the frontline of the COVID19 pandemic. Social Democrats call for EU action to support them!

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Women are on the frontline of the COVID19 pandemic. Social Democrats call for EU action to support them!


The coronavirus pandemic deepens existing inequalities in our societies. It exposes an increasing number of women to gender-based violence. It is putting an additional burden on women who are disproportionally represented in professions where the risk of getting infected is high: in hospitals, shops or care homes.

The coronavirus pandemic deepens existing inequalities in our societies. It exposes an increasing number of women to gender-based violence. It is putting an additional burden on women who are disproportionally represented in professions where the risk of getting infected is high: in hospitals, shops or care homes.

COVID-19: Emerging gender data and why it matters

April 15, 2020

COVID-19: Emerging gender data and why it matters

The COVID-19 pandemic is causing untold human suffering and is likely to heighten gender-based inequalities around the world. As economic activity comes to a halt, women who face disadvantage in access to decent work will suffer the most.

The COVID-19 pandemic is causing untold human suffering and is likely to heighten gender-based inequalities around the world. As economic activity comes to a halt, women who face disadvantage in access to decent work will suffer the most.

How to incorporate women and gender equality in the management of the crisis response

April 15, 2020

How to incorporate women and gender equality in the management of the crisis response

Crisis management or emergency situations such as COVID-19 can have serious impacts on the lives of women and girls, if gender dimensions are not considered.

Crisis management or emergency situations such as COVID-19 can have serious impacts on the lives of women and girls, if gender dimensions are not considered.

"Put women and girls at the centre of efforts to recover from COVID-19"

April 15, 2020

"Put women and girls at the centre of efforts to recover from COVID-19"

By Antonio Guterres,

The COVID-19 pandemic affects everyone, everywhere.

By Antonio Guterres,

The COVID-19 pandemic affects everyone, everywhere.