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World News

Will female candidates transform politics in Congo?

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Will female candidates transform politics in Congo?


In the city of Goma, in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, local resident Alexandrine Kisikutila is urging everyone around her to vote in next week's general elections. More specifically, for female candidates.

"As a Congolese citizen I'm ready to go to the polls and vote for a woman," she told DW.

In the city of Goma, in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, local resident Alexandrine Kisikutila is urging everyone around her to vote in next week's general elections. More specifically, for female candidates.

"As a Congolese citizen I'm ready to go to the polls and vote for a woman," she told DW.

World News

Fewer women in parliament spells trouble

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Fewer women in parliament spells trouble


Women’s political representation in Indonesia may fall for the first time since the 1999 election, even before the voting starts. 

Women’s political representation in Indonesia may fall for the first time since the 1999 election, even before the voting starts. 

World News

Women's power surges in political landscape

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Women's power surges in political landscape


The real testimony to women’s political rights will come when they hold significant positions of power across the political spectrum

The real testimony to women’s political rights will come when they hold significant positions of power across the political spectrum

World News

Intimidation, lack of confidence hindering women's participation in Ghana's politics

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Intimidation, lack of confidence hindering women's participation in Ghana's politics


A new report from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has shed light on some of the key barriers preventing greater women's representation in Ghana's political sphere.

The report, titled "Under-representation of women in leadership in Ghana," and published in September this year, analyzes factors contributing to the persistently low numbers of women elected to political office at both national and local levels in the country.

A new report from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has shed light on some of the key barriers preventing greater women's representation in Ghana's political sphere.

The report, titled "Under-representation of women in leadership in Ghana," and published in September this year, analyzes factors contributing to the persistently low numbers of women elected to political office at both national and local levels in the country.

World News

Capacity building key to overcoming challenges in women’s political participation

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Capacity building key to overcoming challenges in women’s political participation


Traditionally, across South Sudan, women and girls have been disproportionately affected by conflict. Add to this, cultural norms, such as early or forced marriages, and there is a significant gap in attaining equal rights for women.

As this young nation approaches its first post-independence elections, the need for more women in politics and governance is clear.

Traditionally, across South Sudan, women and girls have been disproportionately affected by conflict. Add to this, cultural norms, such as early or forced marriages, and there is a significant gap in attaining equal rights for women.

As this young nation approaches its first post-independence elections, the need for more women in politics and governance is clear.

World News

Do no harm: supporting Pacific women leaders

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Do no harm: supporting Pacific women leaders


The Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, last month committed to a revitalised gender equality declaration. This declaration, spearheaded by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, was subject to extensive consultation across the region.

The Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, last month committed to a revitalised gender equality declaration. This declaration, spearheaded by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, was subject to extensive consultation across the region.

World News

India's women voters will surpass male voters from 2029 general election onwards

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India's women voters will surpass male voters from 2029 general election onwards


A major shift in India's electoral landscape is anticipated by the end of this decade. A report by the SBI has claimed that women voters in India will surpass male voters from 2029 onwards.

In the upcoming general election in 2024, the SBI report has projected a total voter turnout of around 68 crores, of which women voters could be at 33 crore (49%). From 2029 onwards, the women voters at 37 crores could be outstripping registered men voters at 36 crores, the SBI report said.

A major shift in India's electoral landscape is anticipated by the end of this decade. A report by the SBI has claimed that women voters in India will surpass male voters from 2029 onwards.

In the upcoming general election in 2024, the SBI report has projected a total voter turnout of around 68 crores, of which women voters could be at 33 crore (49%). From 2029 onwards, the women voters at 37 crores could be outstripping registered men voters at 36 crores, the SBI report said.

World News

Stakeholders advocate increased women participation in policymaking

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Stakeholders advocate increased women participation in policymaking


Stakeholders have advocated the implementation of gender-inclusive policy-making to address the challenges facing women in the country.

This was as Women Trust Fund (WTF) observed that the widening gender gap in political opportunities would worsen issues for women.

Stakeholders have advocated the implementation of gender-inclusive policy-making to address the challenges facing women in the country.

This was as Women Trust Fund (WTF) observed that the widening gender gap in political opportunities would worsen issues for women.

World News

Empowering women in politics: necessity, challenges and role of education institutions

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Empowering women in politics: necessity, challenges and role of education institutions


CHENNAI: Indian parliament has finally passed the historic women's reservation bill or to call it by its proper name Naari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam.

After a waiting period of 27 years, the Indian parliamentarians decided to take a concrete step towards the political empowerment of Indian women. This step is not a full stop to a much-discussed topic of political reservation for women but marks the beginning of a new era.

CHENNAI: Indian parliament has finally passed the historic women's reservation bill or to call it by its proper name Naari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam.

After a waiting period of 27 years, the Indian parliamentarians decided to take a concrete step towards the political empowerment of Indian women. This step is not a full stop to a much-discussed topic of political reservation for women but marks the beginning of a new era.