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World News

Zuleika Hassan: Kenyan MP with baby ordered to leave parliament

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Zuleika Hassan: Kenyan MP with baby ordered to leave parliament


Female MPs have walked out of Kenya's parliament in solidarity with a colleague who was ordered to leave because she had taken her baby.

Zuleika Hassan said she had brought her five-month-old baby with her to work because of a domestic emergency and that parliament didn't have a creche.

According to the house rules, "strangers" are not allowed into the chamber, children included.

Female MPs have walked out of Kenya's parliament in solidarity with a colleague who was ordered to leave because she had taken her baby.

Zuleika Hassan said she had brought her five-month-old baby with her to work because of a domestic emergency and that parliament didn't have a creche.

According to the house rules, "strangers" are not allowed into the chamber, children included.



World News

How to get women’s voices heard in African politics

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How to get women’s voices heard in African politics


Across the world activists are working hard to get more women in politics. But getting women into politics is only half of the challenge. The second half is to make sure that women are not only seen, but also heard. 

Across the world activists are working hard to get more women in politics. But getting women into politics is only half of the challenge. The second half is to make sure that women are not only seen, but also heard. 

Where are the women? A Study of Women, Politics, Parliaments and Equality in the CARICOM Countries

July 26, 2019

Where are the women? A Study of Women, Politics, Parliaments and Equality in the CARICOM Countries

The research had three main objectives: first, to obtain a more detailed picture of the situation regarding women’s political participation in the CARICOM countries; second, to identify contextual factors and analyse how they affect the presence of C

The research had three main objectives: first, to obtain a more detailed picture of the situation regarding women’s political participation in the CARICOM countries; second, to identify contextual factors and analyse how they affect the presence of C

World News

Elections in 2019 in Asian countries: A game-changer for women or not?

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Elections in 2019 in Asian countries: A game-changer for women or not?


How do women in elections stand to gain in terms of power sharing? What are the takeaways for them?

The long election season in India is finally over. No, not India alone, but a few more countries in the Asian neighbourhood had also undergone a similar exercise.

Now, how do women in this political changeover stand to gain in terms of power sharing? What are the takeaways for them?

How do women in elections stand to gain in terms of power sharing? What are the takeaways for them?

The long election season in India is finally over. No, not India alone, but a few more countries in the Asian neighbourhood had also undergone a similar exercise.

Now, how do women in this political changeover stand to gain in terms of power sharing? What are the takeaways for them?

World News

Inclusive peace in Afghanistan means ‘women at the centre’ urges UN deputy chief in Kabul

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Inclusive peace in Afghanistan means ‘women at the centre’ urges UN deputy chief in Kabul


The UN deputy chief issued an impassioned plea on Sunday for Afghans to reconcile with the past and put “women at the centre” of all efforts to forge a durable peace, and a truly inclusive political process where women’s voices are truly heard.

The UN deputy chief issued an impassioned plea on Sunday for Afghans to reconcile with the past and put “women at the centre” of all efforts to forge a durable peace, and a truly inclusive political process where women’s voices are truly heard.


Fourteenth Workshop of Parliamentary Scholars and Parliamentarians


Fourteenth Workshop of Parliamentary Scholars and Parliamentarians

This Workshop will bring together scholars and parliamentarians in order to discuss research findings which are likely to be of practical use to parli