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NGO seeks to end violence against women in politics in Nigeria

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NGO seeks to end violence against women in politics in Nigeria


The Executive Director of Hope for Family Development Initiative(HFDI), Mr Aremu Stephen has called for an end to violence against women in politics.

He said this in Osogbo, Osun State capital while addressing a press conference on behalf of the Stop Violence against Women in Politics (Stop-VAWIP) campaigners.

He said 60 cases of violence against women were reported during the September 22nd gubernatorial election in Osun State.

The Executive Director of Hope for Family Development Initiative(HFDI), Mr Aremu Stephen has called for an end to violence against women in politics.

He said this in Osogbo, Osun State capital while addressing a press conference on behalf of the Stop Violence against Women in Politics (Stop-VAWIP) campaigners.

He said 60 cases of violence against women were reported during the September 22nd gubernatorial election in Osun State.

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