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UNGA 2018: Women leading the way. The power of women’s leadership in politics, businesses, and communities


UNGA 2018: Women leading the way. The power of women’s leadership in politics, businesses, and communities

Rather than focusing solely on the challenges and the low representation of women in leadership in both the political and economic spheres, Women Deli



World News

In 2018, black women like Ayanna Pressley are fighting for political power — and winning

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In 2018, black women like Ayanna Pressley are fighting for political power — and winning


Ayanna Pressley pulled off an unexpected victory on Tuesday in the Democratic congressional primary in Massachusetts’s Seventh District, beating 10-term incumbent Rep. Michael Capuano with 59 percent of the vote. Barring a last-minute write-in campaign during the general election, Pressley will be unopposed in November and become the first black woman to represent Massachusetts in Congress.

Ayanna Pressley pulled off an unexpected victory on Tuesday in the Democratic congressional primary in Massachusetts’s Seventh District, beating 10-term incumbent Rep. Michael Capuano with 59 percent of the vote. Barring a last-minute write-in campaign during the general election, Pressley will be unopposed in November and become the first black woman to represent Massachusetts in Congress.


Will women decide the Brazilian election? The potential impact of female voters and candidates


Will women decide the Brazilian election? The potential impact of female voters and candidates

Polls suggest that women may play a decisive role in determining who wins the presidential race in Brazil this October.


Women participation and sustainable energy- Second World Parliamentary Forum on Sustainable Development


Women participation and sustainable energy- Second World Parliamentary Forum on Sustainable Development

The Second World Parliamentary Forum on Sustainable Development  will take place on 12-13 September 2018 in Bali.


Regional seminar on the Sustainable Development Goals and gender equality for parliaments of the Middle East and North Africa


Regional seminar on the Sustainable Development Goals and gender equality for parliaments of the Middle East and North Africa

The Seminar will define opportunities available to, and challenges facing, parliaments in implementating the SDGs and gender equality.

Women and corruption: What positions must they hold to make a difference?

September 4, 2018

Women and corruption: What positions must they hold to make a difference?

This paper in the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization - Volume 151 examines in what roles women have an impact on corruption by focusing on female labor force participation and their presence in the parliament.

This paper in the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization - Volume 151 examines in what roles women have an impact on corruption by focusing on female labor force participation and their presence in the parliament.

Will toxic politics stem the surge in women candidates?

August 31, 2018

Will toxic politics stem the surge in women candidates?

When Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 presidential election, it sparked a surge of female candidates. According to Rutgers Center for American Women and Politics, nearly 500 women initially filed to run for the U.S.

When Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 presidential election, it sparked a surge of female candidates. According to Rutgers Center for American Women and Politics, nearly 500 women initially filed to run for the U.S.