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World News

Court ruling raises hopes among Kenyan women for more political representation

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Court ruling raises hopes among Kenyan women for more political representation


NAIROBI, Sept 7 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Buoyed by record gains in last month's elections, Kenyan activists say they hope the nation's top court will enforce women's right to better political representation, following a surprise decision to nullify the presidential election.

NAIROBI, Sept 7 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Buoyed by record gains in last month's elections, Kenyan activists say they hope the nation's top court will enforce women's right to better political representation, following a surprise decision to nullify the presidential election.




World News

Pacific Islands Forum leader plans more effort to help women as leaders

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Pacific Islands Forum leader plans more effort to help women as leaders


The secretary general of the Pacific Islands Forum Dame Meg Taylor wants to put more effort into empowering women leaders. 

The secretary general of the Pacific Islands Forum Dame Meg Taylor wants to put more effort into empowering women leaders. 

World News

Chile’s president is a woman — and she just scored a major policy victory for women. Here’s why that matters.

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Chile’s president is a woman — and she just scored a major policy victory for women. Here’s why that matters.


Latin America has some of the world’s most restrictive abortion laws. Yet it also leads the world in electing female presidents — including Chilean President Michelle Bachelet.

Latin America has some of the world’s most restrictive abortion laws. Yet it also leads the world in electing female presidents — including Chilean President Michelle Bachelet.