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"Politics needs more women" says Nirmala Sitharaman, Indian Minister of State for Commerce and Industry

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"Politics needs more women" says Nirmala Sitharaman, Indian Minister of State for Commerce and Industry


The Union Minister of State for Commerce and Industry Nirmala Sitharaman Saturday said the politics needs more women. Participating in an interactive session with members of Young Ficci Ladies Organisation here, Sitharaman said, “This (politics) may not be the first choice profession for women.

The Union Minister of State for Commerce and Industry Nirmala Sitharaman Saturday said the politics needs more women. Participating in an interactive session with members of Young Ficci Ladies Organisation here, Sitharaman said, “This (politics) may not be the first choice profession for women.

World News

More women exploring political careers after Trump's election

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More women exploring political careers after Trump's election


For one Chicago woman, the epiphany came just a few days after the presidential election. As Sameena Mustafa processed Donald Trump's victory and the shifting national political climate, she found it was no longer enough to vote, donate money or talk with friends about various political candidates.

For one Chicago woman, the epiphany came just a few days after the presidential election. As Sameena Mustafa processed Donald Trump's victory and the shifting national political climate, she found it was no longer enough to vote, donate money or talk with friends about various political candidates.


World News

Government of Solomon Islands Supports Temporary Special Measure Policy for Women in Parliament

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Government of Solomon Islands Supports Temporary Special Measure Policy for Women in Parliament


Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has moved a Motion in Parliament to consider the White Paper on the proposed new election system for Solomon Islands.

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has moved a Motion in Parliament to consider the White Paper on the proposed new election system for Solomon Islands.

Guide on Women’s Political Networks: Defining Leadership, Breaking Barriers, and Fostering Change

April 10, 2017

Guide on Women’s Political Networks: Defining Leadership, Breaking Barriers, and Fostering Change

Since 1995, the world average of women in parliament has grown from 11.3 percent to 22.7 percent. Although progress is slow going, multiple initiatives can be credited for building momentum behind equal representation.

Since 1995, the world average of women in parliament has grown from 11.3 percent to 22.7 percent. Although progress is slow going, multiple initiatives can be credited for building momentum behind equal representation.

Book on Financing for Gender Equality: Realising Women’s Rights through Gender Responsive Budgeting

April 10, 2017

Book on Financing for Gender Equality: Realising Women’s Rights through Gender Responsive Budgeting

World News

Young people under 30 account for only 1.9% of world parliamentarians

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Young people under 30 account for only 1.9% of world parliamentarians


Only 1.9 per cent of lawmakers are aged below 30, and 14.2 per cent below 40, and 26 per cent under 45, shows an Inter-parliamentary Union presentation made on Tuesday. 

Only 1.9 per cent of lawmakers are aged below 30, and 14.2 per cent below 40, and 26 per cent under 45, shows an Inter-parliamentary Union presentation made on Tuesday.