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World News

Trinidadian women gain ground at the ballot box

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Trinidadian women gain ground at the ballot box


With support from UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality, the Network of NGOs in Trinidad and Tobago is training women to be more effective in running for election. They seek to learn the rules, use the rules and change the system.

We invite you to read the full article published June 27, 2014 by our partner, UN Women

With support from UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality, the Network of NGOs in Trinidad and Tobago is training women to be more effective in running for election. They seek to learn the rules, use the rules and change the system.

We invite you to read the full article published June 27, 2014 by our partner, UN Women

World News

Women in power and decision-making: Strengthening voices for democracy

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Women in power and decision-making: Strengthening voices for democracy


Strengthening women's role in power and decision-making is one of the 12 critical areas of concern outlined in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, which turns 20 next year. Giving women a greater voice in all spheres is central to achieving change and boosting women’s leadership and political participation is one of UN Women’s seven key areas of work.

We invite you to read the full article published June 27, 2014 by our parnter, UN Women

Strengthening women's role in power and decision-making is one of the 12 critical areas of concern outlined in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, which turns 20 next year. Giving women a greater voice in all spheres is central to achieving change and boosting women’s leadership and political participation is one of UN Women’s seven key areas of work.

We invite you to read the full article published June 27, 2014 by our parnter, UN Women

World News

Lives saved in Viet Nam by involving women in disaster planning

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Lives saved in Viet Nam by involving women in disaster planning


Through the training of women in disaster management, as well as national lobbying, the contribution of women has been recognized and a government decree now gives the Women’s Union an official space in decision-making bodies. 

For millions of people in rural Viet Nam, the impacts of climate change are mounting and sometimes deadly. As weather patterns change, many of Viet Nam’s women in particular are paying a high price.

Through the training of women in disaster management, as well as national lobbying, the contribution of women has been recognized and a government decree now gives the Women’s Union an official space in decision-making bodies. 

For millions of people in rural Viet Nam, the impacts of climate change are mounting and sometimes deadly. As weather patterns change, many of Viet Nam’s women in particular are paying a high price.

World News

Women’s Parliamentary Caucuses as agents of change

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Women’s Parliamentary Caucuses as agents of change


Nation-building processes cannot work and development goals cannot be achieved if women are denied meaningful political participation. To ensure this, Pakistan’s Parliament introduced in 2002 a 17 percent gender quota in all legislative houses.

But despite accounting for 22 percent of the federal parliament, from 2002 to 2007, women could not achieve much in terms of lawmaking except the Women’s Protection Act. In the subsequent mandate of 2008-2013, however, women made more progress, overseeing policy implementation and raising important issues in all Houses.

Nation-building processes cannot work and development goals cannot be achieved if women are denied meaningful political participation. To ensure this, Pakistan’s Parliament introduced in 2002 a 17 percent gender quota in all legislative houses.

But despite accounting for 22 percent of the federal parliament, from 2002 to 2007, women could not achieve much in terms of lawmaking except the Women’s Protection Act. In the subsequent mandate of 2008-2013, however, women made more progress, overseeing policy implementation and raising important issues in all Houses.


Invitation to a Nordic-Arab PhD course on “Comparative studies of women in public life – theoretical and methodological challenges”


Invitation to a Nordic-Arab PhD course on “Comparative studies of women in public life – theoretical and methodological challenges”

The Nordic-Arab research collaboration project by the Center of Arab Women for Training and Research (CAWTAR) and the University of Stockholm, financed by the Swedish Research Council, is pleased t

Training Modules to Increase Women's Political Participation

June 6, 2014

Training Modules to Increase Women's Political Participation

These new training materials take best practices and approaches from NDI's work around the world and make them into a set of tools to increase the quality of training programs for women as voters, advocates, elections officials, political party members, candidates and office holders.

These new training materials take best practices and approaches from NDI's work around the world and make them into a set of tools to increase the quality of training programs for women as voters, advocates, elections officials, political party members, candidates and office holders.

World News

Call for concerted global action to end violence against women

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Call for concerted global action to end violence against women


Geneva, 6 June 2014 – The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) has welcomed a new Egyptian decree punishing sexual harassment as a first but crucial step to tackle the growing problem of violence against women and urged other countries to do more on the issue.

The decree, issued by the outgoing interim President Adly Mansour, makes sexual harassment a crime punishable by up to five years of imprisonment. Until now, there has been no specific law defining sexual harassment in Egypt.

Geneva, 6 June 2014 – The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) has welcomed a new Egyptian decree punishing sexual harassment as a first but crucial step to tackle the growing problem of violence against women and urged other countries to do more on the issue.

The decree, issued by the outgoing interim President Adly Mansour, makes sexual harassment a crime punishable by up to five years of imprisonment. Until now, there has been no specific law defining sexual harassment in Egypt.