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Lessons from Women’s Programs in Afghanistan and Iraq

May 1, 2013

Lessons from Women’s Programs in Afghanistan and Iraq

As Afghanistan and Iraq enter a difficult transition period, women in these countries are increasingly vulnerable to having their rights and opportunities set back at least a generation. Deteriorating securit

As Afghanistan and Iraq enter a difficult transition period, women in these countries are increasingly vulnerable to having their rights and opportunities set back at least a generation. Deteriorating securit

Confidence Gap: Citizen Priorities on the One Year Anniversary of the National Constituent Assembly Elections, Tunisia

April 29, 2013

Confidence Gap: Citizen Priorities on the One Year Anniversary of the National Constituent Assembly Elections, Tunisia

This report explores public opinion in Tunisia in late October/early November 2012. Based on 12 focus group discussions with 121 Tunisian participants, the report examines Tunisian citizens’ attitudes and con

This report explores public opinion in Tunisia in late October/early November 2012. Based on 12 focus group discussions with 121 Tunisian participants, the report examines Tunisian citizens’ attitudes and con

World News

UKNC-UN Women London AGM

Submitted by iKNOW Politics on

UKNC-UN Women London AGM


The UKNC-UN Women London branch AGM took place on 16th April at the Houses of Parliament. There was a full house on the night with standing room only for Branch Committee members! It was very good to welcome many members who have joined in the past year, and their guests, as well as to see more familiar faces.

we invite our users to read the complete article published April 24 2013)

The UKNC-UN Women London branch AGM took place on 16th April at the Houses of Parliament. There was a full house on the night with standing room only for Branch Committee members! It was very good to welcome many members who have joined in the past year, and their guests, as well as to see more familiar faces.

we invite our users to read the complete article published April 24 2013)


The Role of International Electoral Observation Missions in the Promotion of the Political Rights of Women: The Case of the OAS

April 25, 2013

The Role of International Electoral Observation Missions in the Promotion of the Political Rights of Women: The Case of the OAS

Electoral equity is a fundamental component of a democratic election, and therefore a principal concern of international electoral observation.

Electoral equity is a fundamental component of a democratic election, and therefore a principal concern of international electoral observation.

Guaranteeing Equality between Women and Men in the Constitution

April 22, 2013

Guaranteeing Equality between Women and Men in the Constitution

A paper on gender sensitive constitution drafting in phases of transition.


A paper on gender sensitive constitution drafting in phases of transition.